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Bed Bug Removal in The Villages, FL

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Bed Bug Services In The Villages, FL

If you live in The Villages, you will know how peaceful and comfortable life can be in this part of Florida. Life here is generally very easy, providing people with an easy pace of life and a bit of privacy in their personal lives. However, while everyone who lives in The Villages gets to enjoy peace and quiet, there is often a quiet menace building in the background—the malign presence of bed bugs.

Bed bugs are easily one of the most common problems in Florida. They are resistant to most conventional forms of treatment, such as chemicals, and tend to be very hard to get rid of alone. Many Floridians waste countless dollars on DIY solutions and ‘repellants’ that do nothing of the sort. The problem with bed bugs is that they are so numerous that they are near-impossible to get rid of.

What can be done? You can hire BBE. We are a proven bed bug specialist in The Villages, covering not only here but all surrounding areas. We can tackle the bed bug problem for you by using the most proven and effective form of treatment on the market today—heat treatment. Powered by the ever-popular Heat Assault, we use a method of bed bug extermination that is proven to get the job done without issue.

Hiring BBE to get rid of your bed bugs is the easiest way to ensure you can get back to sleeping safely at night. Contact us today to begin a bed bug inspection on your property in The Villages. As soon as we find bed bugs, we will find a solution to eradicate them.

Bed Bug Removal in The Villages, FL

Bed Bug Heat Treatments In The Villages

The main benefit of using heat treatment is that it creates conditions that no bed bug can avoid. While most bed bugs can maneuver around chemicals and traps, heat is something that a bed bug cannot ignore. The irony, of course, is that bed bugs love heat. Bed bugs are drawn to the intensity of heat and humidity, which The Villages has no shortage of. However, we can use that heat against them!

Bed bugs are drawn to heat, and they are promptly wiped out by using the intensity of the heat against them. We use Heat Assault, a specialist solution for raising the temperature in your building to an almost impossible-to-ignore level. This wipes out the bed bugs because we increase temperatures to as much as 200F—or even more if needed. This heats the whole building, too, which is important.

Why? If the whole property is heated, all bed bugs are impacted. They are unable to hide from the heat as we heat up every nook, cranny, and crevice in the building. Not only will this ensure the current crop of bed bugs is gone for good, but it also guarantees the bed bugs are gone for a minimum of sixty days. This is a far more effective form of treatment than most conventional treatments.

Why Hire BBE For Bed Bug Treatment In The Villages?

When we speak to people who have problems with bed bugs in The Villages, they tend to wonder why they cannot simply deal with the issue on their own. As admirable as this is, bed bugs are not a problem that can be self-resolved. They require professional treatment, as no at-home solution or DIY remedy is going to be strong enough to repel a full bed bug infestation. So, why should you hire us?

What do we offer that makes us the perfect choice? What can we achieve that you cannot alone?

For one, we use professional heat treatment via Heat Assault – this is far more powerful

Heat treatment is proven to be far more effective on bed bugs than chemicals or traps

We arrive to inspect your property ASAP to ensure we can determine the scale of infestation

Once determined, we can then get to work in the near future to help get rid of the problem

Worried about people knowing you have bed bugs? Fear not – we use unmarked arrivals

Our team works quickly and discreetly so we can minimize the risk of gossiping from others

All treatments are provided at a fair price, helping to keep the cost of treatment down overall

Treatment is also impactful for a minimum timeframe of sixty days, peace of mind

Our team are all professionals who have worked in this field for years

We can offer useful tips to help prevent future infestations at scale

As you can see, our service covers a large number of different services. We make sure that you are working with someone who is a good choice thanks to our combined experience, fair pricing, and the fact we use Heat Assault, the nation’s leading heat treatment for bed bugs in The Villages and beyond.

The Five-Step Process To Erasing Bed Bugs In The Villages

Since we have dealt with bed bugs for years, we know what works when it comes to thinning out their numbers and getting rid of the problem in kind. To do that, we make sure that you get all of the help and support you need through a five-step process that we know is worth the time and investment. To get rid of bed bugs in The Villages, we use a five-stage solution that goes as follows:


Our work is guaranteed to last for a minimum of 60 days. While stopping future infestations is not possible, we also leave you with tips and advice on the best ways to help protect your property from future bed bug arrivals. Given the scale of the problem in Florida, this is not often possible, but we do all we can to remove the current problem and reduce the risk of future bed bugs in The Villages.

Things To Know About Bed Bugs In The Villages

There are many things to learn about bed bugs, and over the years, our team has relentlessly studied our enemy. We want to know everything we can about bed bugs in The Villages so we can ensure we can combat them properly.

To help our clients understand bed bugs and why they should be taken seriously, we have put together a key knowledge base about these pests. Read on to find out more about why bed bugs in The Villages are not something you should ignore.

How Do I Know I Have Bed Bugs In The Villages?

While having bed bugs in The Villages is not something that you want, the ‘positive’ news is that they tend to leave behind a very clear trail of destruction. If you are worried that you have bed bugs, then you only need to look out for the following signs. These are the ‘calling cards’ of the bed bug to look out for:

Blood stains or brown stains (fecal matter) on your furniture or your bedding

Egg shells or dead skin left behind by bed bugs as they grow from nymphs

A rich and sweet odor in the air that is hard to ignore and sticks to the walls

Bite marks appearing on your body in small patterns that you cannot explain

Painful bites that wake you up in the middle of the evening and get inflamed

In serious cases, you might even notice bed bugs moving around at night

Unfortunately, any one of these signs could indicate that you are struggling with bed bugs in The Villages. However, you should note that bed bugs are almost certainly present if you spot more than one of these signs. We do everything we can to help you avoid the problem from worsening now or in the future. As soon as you spot such an issue, though, it pays to reach out to us to arrange an inspection.

What Makes Bed Bugs So Common In The Villages?

There are several reasons why bed bugs in The Villages are such a common blight in our local area. However, by far and away, the most common reason for bed bugs is the presence of such intense heat. Like most parts of Florida, The Villages benefits from extensive heat and humidity. They are drawn to the properties that are in this part of the country because they offer the heat and the population density.

Of course, density is the other main reason we have so many bed bugs in The Villages: they are going to hang around because humans give them a constant source of food—our blood. If you are spotting a lot of bed bugs in The Villages, it is because they are drawn here by the weather and the number of people. With a population of around 80,000, there are ample sources of sustenance here.

How Can Bed Bugs Enter My Property?

The most common way for bed bugs to get into a property is to make their way from another building. Despite close to 85% of homes in The Villages being new-build properties in the 2000s, they still have ample space for bed bugs to sneak through. If you have an adjacent property to your building, then bed bugs can easily sneak through from that building and make themselves at home. Horrible, right?

For people with a high volume of human traffic, such as commercial places like bed stores or hospitality venues, bed bugs tend to arrive on people or in shipments. They can nestle inside shipments from a courier or delivery truck, or they can hide in someone’s clothing or luggage. They then make their nest in your building and begin to start creating new bed bugs, leading to the rapid growth of their colony. 

Are Bed Bugs Dangerous?

Bed bugs are not necessarily dangerous, but they can pose more than a few problems for the average person. They leave us with painful bites that can become infected if we scratch them too much. In rare cases, someone might have an allergic reaction to a bed bug bite. Therefore, these are dangerous creatures that should be watched very carefully because of the risk of infection or allergic reactions.

However, as bed bugs do not carry disease, they lack the same threat to your life as other home invaders. Regardless, being bitten at night is certain to cause problems with your energy levels. Being awoken during the night after being bitten, after all, is a pretty unenjoyable experience!

Can I Kill Bed Bugs Myself?

Killing a bed bug is easy—you simply need to crush it. Killing off a bed bug colony, though, is a different matter. Bed bugs tend to nestle away in places that you cannot reach or even see, coming out to feed when we give them a chance. Bed bugs are very resistant to most typical treatments and traps, too, so they tend to be very good at avoiding our retribution for biting us overnight.

You can kill some of an infestation, but not all. If you want to get rid of the full numbers, you need to invest in proven treatment methods, like heat treatment for bed bugs in The Villages.

Will The Infestation Go Away On Its Own?

Bed bugs can last a long time without eating – some experts even suggest they can last for a full year without feeding. So, a bed bug can outlast even the most determined person. Abandoning a property for over a year to wait out bed bugs is not a wise choice. Instead, hire our team at BBE to deal with the problem, and you can get rid of the problem without having to try to wait for the bugs to die out.

Why Should I Avoid Chemical Treatment For The Villages Bed Bugs?

Chemicals were once the best way to get rid of bed bugs, but times have changed. Not only are bed bugs wise to pesticide use, but many species in The Villages and across Florida are resistant to such strains. As such, they have a knack for surviving no matter how many chemicals we use. Another problem is that chemicals are unable to pierce bed bug egg shells, meaning the next generation will always survive.

Thus, bed bugs can be eradicated in full, only for the problem to re-emerge shortly after. Since bed bugs can lay a large number of eggs in their lifetime, it does not take long for them to replenish their numbers. So, you should make sure that bed bugs are given the most impactful treatment to remove their numbers post-haste. Heat treatment works better than chemicals, as it kills ALL ages of bed bugs, not only adults.

At the same time, heat treatment pierces egg shells, and it lacks the same risks to the environment as pesticides. For a more effective treatment, avoid chemicals and turn to the power of increased heat.

Heat Assault Treatment The Villages, FL

Do I Need To Get Rid Of Furniture Impacted By Bed Bugs?

No, the positive thing about bed bugs, when eradicated with heat treatment, is that they do not leave behind any collateral damage. Since heat treatment kills off the eggs, younglings cannot hatch on your furniture after the treatment. We do recommend a professional upholstery cleaning service locally, though, to help ensure that any stains from bed bugs are lifted and removed in their entirety.

Contact A Specialist In Bed Bug Heat Treatment In The Villages

Bed bugs are easy to ignore but hard to live with. They tend to start impacting our quality of life as they drain our bodies of blood and leave us feeling increasingly fatigued. At the same time, though, bed bugs can become a ruinous problem for any kind of business or commercial enterprise. A hotel would struggle to survive the reputational damage of having bed bugs, for example.

At BBE, though, we offer a solution that ensures that all bed bugs you have are dealt with in kind. We use a proven method of treatment that gets to the heart of the matter: eliminating bed bugs from young to old. Instead of having to ignore the issue and hope they go away, we use a one-and-done method that gets rid of bed bugs without having to return for expensive return treatments. Is that not worth your money?

The peace of mind that comes from getting rid of bed bugs is hard to overstate. Having bed bugs in your home is never a nice thing, as they become a real blight. Knowing that something is crawling around as you sleep is unsettling; suffering from continuous bitemarks is equally as frustrating.

To put an end to the matter for a minimum of 60 days, contact BBE to begin a treatment process that has been proven to work.

Specialist Support For Bed Bugs In The Villages & Nearby

If you have bed bugs in The Villages, contact the team at BBE for a solution. We cover the entirety of this part of the country, from the town center to places like Cherry Lake and Oxford. We also deal with all nearby locations, such as Ocala, Leesburg, Lake Panasoffkee, Weirsdale, and Wildwood.

Bed Bug Removal in The Villages, FL

No matter where in The Villages or nearby you are, BBE can help you to get rid of bed bugs. We know the problem in Florida is one of the most severe in the country, so let us make sure you can finally get rid of your bed bug problem without having to worry about a thing. Contact us today, and we can get started on making sure your property is bed bug-free for a minimum of 60 days.