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Bed Bug Removal in Seminole, FL

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Bed Bug Services In Seminole, FL

If you are one of the many people in Seminole who have bed bugs, we understand your frustration. Having such a horrible pest climb around your home and bite you at night is enough to keep you awake. However, if you are worried about bed bugs in Seminole, then you do not have to worry any longer. With one call to BBE, you can quickly and easily make sure the problem is dealt with properly.

At BBE, we speak with many Seminole residents who try to deal with the problem on their own. While we commend your initiative, most of the time, these solutions do not work. We often receive calls from angry people who have invested a lot of dollars into bed bug treatments that have not worked. Whether they have used ineffective chemicals, useless foggers, or other powerless applications, they want results.

Well, we will bring the results to BBE. We know that having bed bugs is a horrible experience. We deal with them on a daily basis, after all. However, one call to the team at BBE means that you are on the right path to finally getting rid of the problem. If you are looking for a proven solution to bed bugs in Seminole, then we have just what you are looking for here.

We use heat treatment to remove bed buds. If you would like to verify that you have bed bugs in Seminole, call us for a bed bug inspection. We can begin inspection and treatment as soon as possible.

Not only will this ensure the bed bugs are removed fully, but it will also give you peace of mind for a prolonged period. Does this sound better than fighting a losing battle? Then call us for help today!

Bed Bug Exterminator Seminole, FL

Bed Bug Heat Treatments In Seminole

At BBE, we have seen every trick in the book that was tried out on bed bugs. Sadly, few creatures in this state we love so much are quite as enduring as the bed bug. Not only are they increasingly resistant to pesticide treatments, but they rarely fall for useless tricks like foggers & bug bombs. What is more pressing is the fact that bed bugs have a nasty habit of being drawn to Florida. They love the heat, you see!

Given how warm Seminole is, with that typical Pinellas County climate, that should come as no surprise. They love the heat here, so that is why we love the cruel irony in our heat treatment. By using Heat Assault, the nation’s leading heat treatment for bed bugs, we turn their love of the warmth of Florida against them. Instead of letting them roam around free, we use the elements against them.

Heat treatment gives you the best of both worlds when it comes to tackling bed bug problems. We use a method known as Heat Assault, which is proven to be the most environmentally sound solution. Not only is this better for the environment, but it is also better for the problem you face. Instead of waiting for the bed bugs to interact with chemicals, heat treatment spikes the temperature of the whole building.

Yes, even if you are in a multi-story apartment block or a plush, five-star hotel. The entire building is heated up to over 125F, which is seen as the ideal “kill zone” for bed bugs. However, the coil heaters we use as part of our Heat Assault tool reach 205F – as you can see, we go above and beyond. This creates unbearable conditions, killing every bed bug that is present on your property.

One inspection, one treatment, and complete removal of all bed bugs for a prolonged period. Does that not sound better than continually spending your hard-earned money on repeat treatment?

Why Hire BBE For Bed Bug Treatment In Seminole?

Hiring BBE makes perfect sense for anyone who is looking for a property bed bug treatment that works. You are hiring a friendly company that has built up a team of professionals over the years. Each member of the BBE team is knowledgeable about bed bugs, offers their honest opinion, and never sugarcoats the situation. On top of that, we make sure that we are more than capable of using Heat Assault properly!

When you hire BBE, then, you are getting a service which promises:

Experience in every aspect of dealing with bed bugs in Seminole

Proven treatments that are better for the environment but worse for the bugs

Professional treatment that follows all required preparation and safety plans

Solutions to your bed bug problem that has been shown to work nationwide

Bespoke advice on the best way for you to help limit bed bugs returning later

Peace of mind for a minimum period of 60 days – though often much longer

Better yet, we also arrive in unmarked vehicles when inspecting for and treating bed bugs in Seminole. This means that you can put to bed those worries about your neighbors and/or business rivals talking about your “bed bug problem”—we make sure never to cause a scene upon our arrival. Everything is dealt with for you, and we make sure that our treatment is as affordable as it can be.

Bed Bug Treatment Seminole, Florida

The Five-Step Process To Erasing Bed Bugs In Seminole

If you have bed bugs in Seminole, then you want to know that you are hiring a solution that works. Over the years, we have developed a five-stage plan that we use for any building. Whether we are tackling bed bugs in a hotel, a hospital, an apartment building – which makes up over 40% of residential buildings in Seminole – or even one of Seminole’s increasingly popular mobile homes. Hire us, and you get:

We have honed this process over the years, so we know it works no matter how complicated it might first sound. When you hire BBE, you are getting a tried-and-true bed bug treatment service in Seminole. We have been in business for years, so you can trust that we know what we are doing. You can even take a look at our litany of positive reviews to see visual proof of our success rate!

Things To Know About Bed Bugs In Seminole

When you have bed bugs in Seminole, you need to know what you are dealing with so you can decide what to do next. At BBE, we provide our clients with all the information they need when we first arrive. That being said, we want you to feel as confident about your problem as you can be.

That is why we have answered some FAQs below. Now, you can arm yourself with knowledge about bed bugs before calling us. Read through the information below to gain an appreciation for bed bugs and understand why treatment is not something you should put off any longer!

How Do I Know I Have Bed Bugs In Seminole?

The first place we always start is the most important question: how do you even know if you havebed bugs in Seminole? Luckily, these critters have a nasty habit of telling on themselves. If you want to confirm that you have bed bugs, then keep a close eye out for at least one of the following signs:

Dark red or brown spots on bedding; this is either dried-in blood or, worse, fecal matter

Eggshells or molted skin scattered around baseboards, entryways, and around bedding

A musky smell that can be hard to ignore no matter how many air fresheners you spray

Painful bites that appear on your arm; often, they will be raised, itchy, and in a zig-zap shape

You might even see some bed bugs moving around, though this is usually only at nighttime

What Makes Bed Bugs So Common In Seminole?

Bed bugs are a common sight in Seminole due to a few factors. The first, as discussed earlier, is the weather. Bed bugs love heat and humidity, and anyone who lives in Seminole will know this is a picture-perfect description of the weather in this part of the country.

The other main reason we see so many bed bugs in places like Seminole is the density of people. With a density of around 3,735 people per square mile, this is a very dense city. This means that you are almost certain to see bed bugs at some point here. It is estimated that around one-fifth of the population of Seminole will have bed bugs, but in recent years, we have noticed increasingly more sightings.

Should I Sleep In Another Room To Escape Bed Bugs?

Oh, if only life were so simple!

No, bed bugs will go to where the host is. You could start sleeping upright in a cupboard, and they would find a way in. Bed bugs are looking for a host to feed from, to feast on their blood. If you move out of your room where you sleep just now, the bed bugs will simply migrate with you. It’s a good idea, but we have never found it to work, unfortunately.

Are Bed Bugs Dangerous?

The good news is that bed bugs are not dangerous in terms of transmitting any kind of disease or infection. However, bed bug bites hurt – a lot!

If bed bugs bite you, then it can be quite painful – it might even wake you up. Then, there is the fact that bed bug bites are itchy and easily inflamed. You could find yourself scratching away constantly, trying to get rid of the itch and enjoying no success. There is also the impact of poor sleep at night, which will cause fatigue, as well as the psychological impact of knowing something is biting you at night.

Can I Trap Bed Bugs Myself?

No, these kind of tools never work. We regularly hear from people in Seminole who have tried to use bed bug traps. These are often ineffective and cause little to no real impact on bed bug numbers. While this means that the bed bugs you have caught will be killed off, reproduction rates are through the roof.

Generally, a bed bug can lay as many as five eggs per day and can lay well over 100 in their lifetime. Some experts estimate a bed bug could produce as many as 500 bed bugs in their lifetime. The ones you have trapped are replaced far quicker than any trapping device you can use. Numbers can explode into the thousands; you would need the most efficient trapping system in the world to stop them entirely.

Can I Use Bug Bombs To Kill Off Bed Bugs?

We have received many calls from people who have wasted their hard-earned money on foggers and bug bombs. As you might already know, these are utterly useless. In fact, they can be quite dangerous to people who use them incorrectly. The most effective thing about bed bug bombs and foggers is the marketing behind them. As far as we are concerned at BBE, they are utterly useless!

Bed Bug Removal Seminole, FL

Why Should I Avoid Chemical Treatment For Seminole Bed Bugs?

Chemical treatments have been shown to be less effective than ever before. There are several reasons for this. The main reasons, though, include the ineffective nature of pesticides used in treatment and the resistance that bed bugs are building up. Most of the species of bed bugs in Seminole are resistant to pesticides, so they usually shrug off the problem with minimal fuss.

As such, chemical treatment for bed bugs is never really useful. Most of the time, it produces more risk than it does solutions. Using chemicals also comes with the risk of contamination, poor usage, incorrect care, and collateral damage to pets and children. While once the best way to get rid of bed bugs, it has been shown that chemical treatments are far less impactful than using heat treatment.

Add in the fact that most chemicals only impact the hatched bed bugs, too, and the “next generation” of bed bugs in your property will simply start the phase anew.

Do I Need To Get Rid Of Furniture Impacted By Bed Bugs?

No, you are under no obligation whatsoever to throw out furniture. Keep in mind two things: one, bed bugs do not care about conditions. They will come into entirely clean properties, even brand-new hotels, and settle in just as easily as they would an old, dirty property. Once bed bugs are in a place with a suitable host, the conditions become completely secondary to them.

Two, furniture simply needs to be cleaned. Once we used our heat treatment for bed bugs in Seminole, the bugs disappeared for a long period. This means that all you need to do is have the furniture cleaned; as you know,all of the present bed bugs are 100% gone at that point.

Therefore, any risk of further contamination is gone as well. A simple clean-up will be enough to avoid throwing out furniture you like. If you want double certainty, hire an upholstery cleaning service instead.

Contact A Specialist In Bed Bug Heat Treatment In Seminole

When you hire BBE, you are hiring one of the most proven experts in handling bed bugs in Seminole. Not only have we dealt with bed bugs for years, but we never stop adapting and improving. We are always learning and getting better at handling bed bugs and making sure they are cleaned up properly. By properly, we mean using treatment methods that get the job done without wasting time.

While other treatments might get rid of bed bugs that are directly impacted by the treatment, our methods are more direct. They impact the whole building, whether you are in a hospital, hotel, apartment block, household, or anywhere else. If you have bed bugs in Seminole, rest assured that we have a solution that works. Heat treatment has been proven beyond doubt to be the most efficient cleansing method.

Getting rid of bed bugs in Seminole on your own is not easy – in fact, it can feel almost impossible. You might already know this, having spent hundreds of dollars and lost many nights of sleep to trying to do so. Instead of struggling, why not give our experts a call? We can give you the appraisal you need.

As soon as our Seminole bed bug inspection finds bed bugs, we will arrange a plan of action to bring the problem to an end. The days of having to sleep with one eye open are over – with BBE on the case, you can finally rest easy!

Specialist Support For Bed Bugs In Seminole& Nearby

As specialists used to deal with bed bugs in Seminole, we also provide our specialist skills in other parts of Florida. In fact, we cover pretty much the whole state!

If you have a problem with bed bugs in Seminole, do not hesitate to give us a call. At the same time, though, you are more than welcome to call us if you are in one of the many surrounding areas of Seminole. This includes cities like St. Petersburg, Indian Shores, Largo, Clearwater, and Bellair. Wherever you are, though, if you are in Florida, give us a call. We cover just about the whole place.

Be sure to check out our service locations to confirm where we provide our treatment. Don’t see your city on the list? Call us anyway—there’s a high chance we can provide you with peace of mind from those pesky bed bugs once and for all.