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Bed Bug Removal in Pine Hills, FL

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Bed Bug Services In Pine Hills, FL

Situated in a comfortable position west of Orlando, Pine Hills residents know just how great life can be in this CDP. Things here are easygoing, people are friendly, and life, in general, is very simple. We all get to enjoy a nice time in the beautiful Floridian weather, enjoying a calm and happy pace of life. However, anyone who has lived in Pine Hills will tell you one issue blights this place: bed bugs!

Bed bugs are undoubtedly one of the most common pests in America. It is estimated that around one in five people in America have dealt with bed bugs at one point or know someone who has. They are a persistent blight on our landscape and our properties. Who wants to be bitten by bugs when they sleep? Nobody! That is why dealing with bed bugs is such a primary focus for our team at BBE.

When someone calls us complaining of bed bugs, we know that they need immediate help. They require someone who can step in and eradicate the problem for a prolonged period of time. By using heat treatment for bed bugs in Pine Hills, we ensure that such a presence can be removed quickly and effectively. Heat treatment is the #1 choice for Floridians looking to rid themselves of bed bugs finally.

Are you having a headache with bed bugs in Pine Hills? Then, let us eliminate the problem for you. Contact BBE today to begin an inspection, and let us eliminate this issue once and for all!

Bed Bug Removal in Pine Hills, FL

Bed Bug Heat Treatments In Pine Hills

While many methods exist for getting rid of bed bugs in Pine Hills, the most proven method today is heat treatment. At BBE, we use a tool known as Heat Assault, the nation’s primary choice for elite bed bug extermination. Why? Because heat treatment turns the tables against bed bugs in the most ironic way. While bed bugs are drawn to Florida due to the heat and humidity, they cannot stand certain heat.

By using Heat Assault, we boost the temperature of your property to a level that no bed bug can survive. While other treatments have grown less effective as bed bugs evolve to disarm pesticides, heat is something that no bed bug can escape. By hitting temperatures as high as 200F+, we make sure that not a single bed bug is left alive on your property. This gets rid of the pest problem for 60+ days.

While bed bugs, due to their prominence, always re-emerge, we can remove the current infestation. Other treatments might simply kill off some of the present bed bugs; we kill them all off. Every single bed bug we deal with will be wiped out without delay. Best of all? Unlike other treatments, Heat Assault requires only one visit to ensure your property is bed bug-free for the future!

Why Hire BBE For Bed Bug Treatment In Pine Hills?

With many bed bug extermination services in Pine Hills, we understand you might have other choices. You might even have tried to get rid of the infestation yourself – and we commend you for that. As you have no doubt discovered, though, the humble bed bug is about as resistant to typical removal as one would expect. You cannot simply kill them with sprays or chase them out of your house with DIY remedies.

Nothing typical works, so why choose us? What do we bring to the table that ensures a solution?

Years of experience in eradicating bed bug infestations of any size

Discreet arrivals to avoid any rumor-mongering or local gossiping

Prompt treatment, getting rid of the bed bugs in one single visit

Affordable care, providing the best value for money in Pine Hills

Rapid inspections, making sure we can get the ball rolling on treatment

Professional removal that leaves no trace of bed bugs at the end

The use of Heat Assault, the nation-leading heat treatment

Assistance and advice on how to prevent new infestations

While nothing can be done to prevent bed bugs from reappearing in a new infestation, we use every trick in the book to make this as unlikely as possible. This involves a comprehensive review of your property followed by a proven process that gets rid of bed bugs in Pine Hills every single time. With a guarantee of 60 days minimum and no bed bugs, we leave you with peace of mind.

The Five-Step Process To Erasing Bed Bugs In Pine Hills

To get the job done, we have built a five-stage process that we know works for us no matter how comprehensive the bed bug infestation might be. To do this, we always follow this pathway. This helps us make sure the job is done correctly every single time, limiting the risk of bed bugs surviving our treatment. To get rid of bed bugs in Pine Hills, we make sure that we carry out the following process:


It really is that simple. We have been involved in the industry for a long time, so we know what works and what does not. As such, we can get to work on making sure that such pests no longer have to be a bothersome issue for you. Let us remove this irritating thorn in your side as soon as we can by providing a service that, through years of success, can make sure your bed bug problems become a thing of the past.

Things To Know About Bed Bugs In Pine Hills

Knowledge is everything when dealing with an enemy, and bed bugs in Pine Hills are certainly the enemy. Numerous in number and vicious in their biting, these horrendous home invaders need to be dealt with accordingly. To ensure that this is the case, we offer our clients not only a solution but also knowledge. Do you have questions about bed bugs in Pine Hills? Look below, and you should find your answer.

If you have any other queries about bed bugs, do not hesitate to contact us for more information.

How Do I Know I Have Bed Bugs In Pine Hills?

The good thing about bed bugs is that they tend to be the same persistent menace anywhere they go. This means that they leave ‘calling card’ signs of their presence. Our clients do not have to worry about bed bugs in Pine Hills being mistaken for something else as they leave a clear telltale sign of their arrival. Generally, we recommend that anyone who thinks they have bed bugs look out for the following:

Visible bed bugs moving around furniture or bedding

Bitemarks that are in zig-zag shapes or small patterns

Musky scents that are hard to mask with air freshener

Red or brown stains appearing on bedding or upholstery

Eggshells and molted skin appearing around your rooms

Unfortunately, spotting these signs is a sign that bed bugs are appearing in vast numbers across your property. This is a significant issue, and you need to keep a close eye on it. Once you spot these signs, you likely need an inspection for the presence of bed bugs in Pine Hills.

What Makes Bed Bugs So Common In Pine Hills?

The main reason why the good people of Pine Hills have so many bed bug problems is simple: bed bugs love heat. The weather is a major driver of why Florida is one of the major tourist hotspots in the world today. Bed bugs are drawn here but also tend to arrive through other means. For example, they might arrive as part of a shipping container system that has arrived at one of Florida’s many port bases.

These bugs then spread like wildfire, starting colonies left, right, and center. They begin to create nests all across the city, populating homes and businesses with reckless abandon. This then means that the number of bed bugs can quickly expand from a few rogue members of the species to an entirely new colony. Bed bugs breed like crazy, too, meaning hundreds of bed bugs can appear from just one female.

How Can Bed Bugs Enter My Property?

The most common ways for bed bugs in Pine Hills to arrive on your premises are twofold: personal transit and through nearby properties. Bugs that arrive on people tend to stow away in their luggage, shipments, and even clothing. Once freed from their storage, they create a hiding spot until it is time to feed. Once fed, they begin the process of feeding their colony, which accelerates the breeding process again.

At the same time, though, bed bugs enter properties because they can travel through the smallest gaps. Apartment blocks make up a fair portion of properties in Pine Hills, meaning bed bugs can move from one apartment to the next with ease. Before a property owner knows, the entire building could be infested. They can easily get in through the tiniest cracks and gaps in the foundations of any building or location.

In short, it does not take much for a bed bug colony to start. They can easily eke through the tiniest spots – often invisible to us – and start the breeding process anew. One small group of bed bugs can expand and create a colony, which means that an entire building can become infested with these horrible, unpleasant creatures.

Are Bed Bugs Dangerous?

The ‘good’ news is that a bed bug will ‘only’ bite you – it would take an allergic reaction for this to become more severe. Most bed bugs, though, feed and leave the person to it. However, being bitten constantly will do two things. One, you will not sleep as soundly at night because you are worried about being bitten. Two, it will drain your body of some vital energy and stamina you use during the day.

This can make people feel fatigued, which is obviously not a good thing. Bed bugs can also wake you up during the evening as they bite you, leading to reduced sleeping quality. This has a negative collateral impact on the rest of your day-to-day life.

Bed Bug Treatment Pine Hills, FL

Can I Kill Bed Bugs Myself?

Many have tried, and most have failed. Getting rid of an infestation on your own is a time-consuming process that can feel almost impossible. There is a lot of work and preparation needed to get rid of bed bugs. Since most over-the-counter treatments are proven ineffective, too, getting rid of a bed bug infestation on your own is not really a viable strategy. Instead, you need experts – like us!

Will The Infestation Go Away On Its Own?

No, a bed bug infestation will stick around for as long as they are permitted. Bed bugs feast on our blood, so they have no means to move on unless there are no more people. But, since bed bugs can go months without feeding, you would need to leave your property for many months to make the bed bugs move on. The solution? Get rid of the bed bugs by using a heat treatment to kill them off instead.

Why Should I Avoid Chemical Treatment For Pine Hills Bed Bugs?

Chemical treatments, once thought of as the gold standard in bed bug treatment, no longer work so well. Not only are bed bug treatments typically ineffective, but they do not impact eggs. This means that even with repeated treatment, the chemicals are only killing the ones that have hatched. Therefore, the problem can soon re-emerge, with the infestation appearing as vibrant and full as it was previously.

Such treatments are proven to be ineffective at killing off the entire infestation. Chemical treatments also have a lasting impact on the environment due to the use of pesticides. Pets and children, too, could become at risk of illness or collateral impact due to the presence of such pesticides.

Do I Need To Get Rid Of Furniture Impacted By Bed Bugs?

One positive aspect of bed bugs is that if they are killed off using heat treatment, nothing is left behind. This means that the furniture they infected has no living eggs or anything about to re-hatch. After BBE has used heat treatment for bed bugs in Pine Hills, we recommend using an upholstery cleaning service on the impacted areas. This can ensure that all stains and potential debris are removed in full.

Contact A Specialist In Bed Bug Heat Treatment In Pine Hills

As a great place to live, very few things ruin Pine Hills – life with bed bugs, though, is unenjoyable no matter where you are. Bed bugs are not only a persistent problem, but they are also a headache to deal with. Since they are impervious to just about any known DIY solution, too, it requires expert solutions. Heat treatment, when delivered by a professional, creates conditions in which no bed bug can survive.

The secret to getting rid of bed bugs is creating an unbearable environment. This means really turning up the heat and using heat against the bed bugs. By drawing in their vast numbers with heat, we then kill them off with consistent ease by sending the temperature above what they can survive within. Thus, the bed bugs are attracted by the heat and then killed out at all stages of life—those in eggs and adults.

With our treatment, bed bugs are unable to thrive any longer. It also creates conditions that ensure bed bugs should not return for a minimum of 60 days. While bed bugs can always be brought back through ill fortune or by being brought in on an individual’s clothing or luggage, we get rid of the present infestation in its entirety. We do so in one single visit, too, avoiding the need for expensive returns.

For help in making sure your property is free from bed bugs in Pine Hills, contact us today. A BBE team member can come out and check over your property so we can get to work on starting treatment as soon as possible. Quickly, we can eradicate the entire colony and let you get back to enjoying life. Do not allow your quality of life or your reputation to be harmed by the malign presence of bed bugs any longer.

One call, that’s all. Get in touch with BBE, and we can begin the process of freeing you from bed bugs and their constant menace.

Specialist Support For Bed Bugs In Pine Hills & Nearby

If you have a property in Pine Hills that has bed bugs, you can rely on BBE to step in and get rid of the problem without delay. We cover the entirety of Pine Hills and its population of 66,000+ people. We also cover all nearby cities in Pine Hills, including places like Winter Park, Orlando, and beyond. Do not hesitate to contact us no matter how small or large the infestation appears—we can deal with it.

Hire BBE today and make sure your bed bug problems are a thing of the past. There is no reason to allow these pests to thrive, so let us get rid of them for you once and for all.