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Bed Bug Removal in Parramore, FL

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Bed Bug Services In Parramore, FL

Ask anyone who lives in Parramore, and they will tell you that life here can be pretty good. Whether attending the Inter&Co Stadium to watch soccer or taking a walk in the beautiful weather that regularly envelops Parramore, there are many ways to have fun and enjoy life here. One thing that is not fun for people in Parramore to deal with, though, is the presence of bed bugs. This is an increasingly common issue.

It is a common misconception that bed bugs mean your property is dirty. Having dealt with bed bugs across Florida for many years, we can say with the utmost certainty that bed bugs and cleanliness are not mutual. We have come across bed bugs in Parramore in many places, ranging from brand-new properties to outdated apartments and 5-star hotels. Bed bugs care about feeding, not conditions.

As professional bed bug specialists, we are used to hearing a lot of things about bed bugs. For example, many will sell you a ‘simple’ solution to getting rid of bed bugs in Parramore. If only these worked – because they rarely, if ever, do. You can get rid of bed bugs for a short space of time, but the only proven way to get rid of bed bugs – and keep them gone for 60+ days – is to use heat treatment.

Are you looking for a professional heat treatment service for bed bugs in Parramore? Then look no further. At BBE, we handle the delivery and usage of heat treatment that is proven to get the job done. Regardless of how complex the building is or how many bed bugs there are, we can get rid of the infestation on your behalf. Contact us today to discuss this, beginning with an inspection.

Bed Bug Exterminator Parramore, FL

Bed Bug Heat Treatments In Parramore

Bed bugs come in many forms, some of which are quite resistant to typical traps or treatments such as using pesticides. In all of our years combatting bed bugs in Parramore, though, we have never seen bed bugs that can survive the use of Heat Assault. This is the nation’s leading solution for getting rid of bed bugs, and it has been proven to work in almost any kind of environment. Why is it so effective?

Heat Assault takes the temperature of your building up to 150F and above. This creates conditions that are almost impossible to ignore, meaning that bed bugs are wiped out no matter how extensive their number is. Not only is this going to leave you without any bed bugs for a prolonged period – a minimum of 60 days is our guarantee – but it helps to create an environment that discourages returning.

The irony is, of course, that bed bugs are brought to Florida in general because of the warm conditions. They love the heat and the humidity that lingers in the air all year round. Bed bugs are not going to move on because we ask them nicely, though; they need to be eradicated. Solutions can be sought that are certain to get rid of bed bugs, no matter how numerous they are. This is our promise.

When you hire BBE, you are hiring a bed bug extermination expert in Parramore who ensures results. Contact us today to discuss our treatment and see why Heat Assault is the premier choice for you.

Why Hire BBE For Bed Bug Treatment In Parramore?

We speak to a lot of people in the Parramore area who have tried – and failed – to get rid of bed bugs on their own. They might have wasted hundreds, even thousands, of dollars on “new treatments” which do nothing. Some treatments, such as chemicals, kill off some bed bugs, but it is a rare thing for such treatments to get rid of all the bugs. Before long, they come back – often more determined than ever!

When you hire BBE, though, you get access to a specialist who deals with bed bugs in Parramore. We make sure that every bug we encounter is wiped out with a proven system that thins out their numbers and leaves none alive. Why should you hire us? What do we offer that can give you peace of mind?

Our archnemesis is the bed bug – we have been fighting them for many years!

Our experience allows us always to administer the right volume of treatment

We use Heat Assault, the leading choice for heat treatment for bed bugs

This treatment wipes out all bed bugs, including those yet to hatch from eggs

We work quickly, almost always finishing treatment in one daily visit after inspection

Pricing is kept affordable, so you do not have to worry about over-expensive treatment

We are always available to start work on bed bugs in any residential or commercial setting

We guarantee that bed bugs will be removed from your property for a minimum of 60 days

Our team always arrives in unmarked vehicles to remove any suspicions from neighbors

The Five-Step Process To Erasing Bed Bugs In Parramore

Something we are extremely proud of at BBE is that we have a solution that works. To use that solution, we have adopted a five-step process that we know works no matter how numerous the numbers of bed bugs happen to be. To help make sure that bed bugs can be wiped out and leave our clients with complete freedom from their biting and chomping, we carry out a process which is as follows:


While people used to rely on chemicals to get rid of bed bugs, we used heat. This gets into every nook and cranny in your home and literally overheats the entire bed bug colony. This does not rely on pesticides spreading in the colony, nor does it impact only adults. This impacts every kind of bed bug, from young to old, hatched or unhatched. It really is the perfect way to get rid of all of your bed bug troubles!

Things To Know About Bed Bugs In Parramore

We believe that knowledge matters, and we always want our clients to understand why bed bugs are not something to be dismissed. Nor should they try to tackle the problem on their own – for the reasons we will explain below.  Find below some of the most commonly asked questions about bed bugs so you can better understand why this is not a problem that you should ignore or take lightly.

How Do I Know I Have Bed Bugs In Parramore?

The easiest way to know that you have bed bugs is to take a closer look at their ‘calling card’ signs. Whenever we inspect a property for bed bugs in Parramore, we are looking for some or all of the following signs of their presence:

Clients complaining of bite marks on their body, usually on accessible areas during sleep

Blood stains or brown fecal matter marks appearing on bedding and related upholstery

Eggshells that are unexplainable, or molted skin, appearing on the flooring and entry points

A rich, sweet scent that can stick to the air and is hard to ignore no matter what is sprayed

If you spot these signs, then you likely have bed bugs. If you can visibly see bed bugs moving around at night, then you have a pretty significant number of bed bugs. If you spot them during the day, then it is likely that you have a pretty major infestation that is going to need immediate professional care.

What Makes Bed Bugs So Common In Parramore?

Bed bugs tend to be drawn to Parramore because the conditions are perfect for their arrival. Parramore is a densely populated location with no shortage of buildings in close proximity to one another. This makes it easy for bed bugs to move from one building to another, creating a new colony as they go. This is also why bed bugs find it easy to take over entire commercial buildings and apartment blocks.

Generally, though, bed bugs are common because of the heat – the humidity and the naturally excellent, warm climate make a match in heaven for bed bugs. While this means we get more bed bugs in Parramore, it also means that we can use what they love so much – heat and humidity – against them.

Bed bugs can also arrive on the property through people bringing them in on their clothing, luggage, and deliveries. It is important to understand that there is no one sole cause of bed bugs being so common, but there are a number of reasons why finding bed bugs in Parramore is not exactly a rarity these days.

Do Bed Bugs Care About Cleanliness?

Bed Bug Removal in Parramore, FL

No, they do not! This is a common myth. Look, it makes sense; having horrible bugs climbing around your property is not nice. If we had something else hanging around that looked like bed bugs, we would see it as a symbol of dirtiness. Make no mistake about it, though – we see bed bugs in almost any kind of location. In fact, they feel just as common to find in a grimy old house as they do in a newly built hotel.

Bed bugs care about one thing and one thing only: being fed via our blood. If there is a location where they can get the food they need, they would not care less about the conditions. They thrive as happily in a plush hotel or private hospital as they do in a rundown community building or an old apartment block.

Are Bed Bugs Dangerous?

A bed bug is dangerous in that being bitten is not nice – anything that bites you could be categorized as dangerous, and rightly so. That being said, though, bed bugs are not dangerous in that they do not carry disease. Thankfully, they are not spreaders of illness or pathogens. However, if you continue to scratch a bed bug bite, then it is likely that it could evolve into something worse – something that needs treatment.

In rare cases, too, we have heard of people having an allergic reaction to a bed bug bite. If you notice anything that seems unusual about a bed bug bite, do not ignore it. Contact your physician ASAP.

Can I Self-Administer Heat Treatment For Bed Bugs?

No, there is precious little way of doing this. Heat treatment is not simply firing up the heaters in your home until you are sitting around sweating; it is about creating conditions that would be unbearable to bugs or humans. This is why we use Heat Assault to get the job done; this is far more effective at creating the kind of heat you need to actually kill and drive out bed bugs in their numbers.

This is not repeatable alone unless you invest in Heat Assault. Given the cost of such professional equipment, it is much more cost-effective to hire BBE and let us administer the treatment for you!

How Often Do Bed Bugs Feed?

Bed bugs can feed once per three months in Floridian weather. In other parts of the country or during some winters, though, they can last for as long as a full year without feeding. So, we often get asked by people if they can simply ‘wait out’ the infestation, and it will die off. This does not work – bed bugs in Parramore, or any location, have a habit of being able to survive for prolonged periods without food.

Why Should I Avoid Chemical Treatment For Parramore Bed Bugs?

Chemicals are dangerous in that they have an environmental impact that is hard to judge. They also can leave residue in the building that could become dangerous to pets or young children. However, the main reason for avoiding chemical treatment for bed bugs in Parramore is simple: it is not very effective. Not only does it have to be used multiple times to kill the bugs, but it only impacts the adult population.

Pesticides are not going to break through the eggs of unhatched bed bugs in Parramore, meaning they simply come back as soon as the eggs hatch. Given that many of the bed bug species in Florida are not native, they are more resistant to pesticides and, thus, are less likely to be inhibited by their usage.

Bed Bug Treatment Parramore, FL

Do I Need To Get Rid Of Furniture Impacted By Bed Bugs?

Thankfully, that is not the case. You can keep that bed or couch that was housing bed bugs. Once all bed bugs are wiped out using heat treatment, though, we recommend that you clean the upholstery professionally. This highly limits the risk that the bugs are going to come back, which should give you reasonable peace of mind. All stains are more easily removed by using professional upholstery cleaning than DIY cleaning.

Contact A Specialist In Bed Bug Heat Treatment In Parramore

Few things in life are more likely to give you the ick than having bed bugs roaming around your household. Not only are they going to make it harder to sleep at night, but they gradually drain you of your energy. That fatigue will catch up with you, as will having to cover up the various bitemarks appearing on your body. For business owners, having bed bugs is a surefire way to ‘earn’ some 1-star reviews.

If you have bed bugs in Parramore, or you think you do, do not hesitate to contact us. We can get to work immediately, carrying out a property inspection to review your property’s likelihood of having bed bugs. If we find that you do have a problem with bed bugs, we will make sure that they are killed as quickly as possible. Everything is done in a way that ensures there is no risk of collateral damage.

Since we almost always complete our treatment in one day, too, we can get out of your hair without you having to go and stay elsewhere. We can also help to reduce the time that any business is closed for by working quickly. Once we make sure that the bugs have been cleared up and killed off as needed, we leave you with the peace of mind that you can finally get back to sleeping soundly at night!

For help in clearing up any number of bed bugs in Parramore, contact BBE today. We can provide a date ASAP to begin an inspection. Should we find bed bugs during our inspection, we will then work out the best date that we can provide to begin heat treatment. Rest assured, your time dealing with bed bugs is at an end for at least 60 days – but often much longer than this.

Specialist Support For Bed Bugs In Parramore & Nearby

We cover the majority of Florida, including all of Parramore. Do not worry about where in the city you are based because we can provide you with a proven bed bug treatment by using heat. We also cover all of Orlando, as well as nearby cities like Maitland and Winter Park. Regardless of where you think you have bed bugs, the team at BBE can make sure the problem is resolved swiftly and long-term.

Parramore Bed Bug Treatment

Call us today to discuss your location and your problem with bed bugs in Parramore, and we can get to work ASAP. The sooner we start, the happier you can sleep at night!