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Bed Bug Removal in Oldsmar, FL

Bed Bug Removal in Apollo Beach, FL

Bed Bug Services In Oldsmar, FL

If you live in Oldsmar and have bed bug problems, you are far from alone. Even if we take the estimate that around one in five Americans will have problems with bed bugs at home, this means around 3,000 people in Oldsmar will have a bug problem at one point in their lives. However, in our experience, bed bugs in Oldsmar and cities across Pinellas County can feel far more prevalent!

We understand that this likely leaves you feeling a little unpleasant at night. Who wants to go to bed and be bitten, after all? What you need is a solution—a proven method that can be used to get rid of all of the problems you are about to face. At BBE, we offer a service that is all about making sure you get just that. For years, our company has provided Oldsmar and the surrounding areas with our expertise.

When you call BBE to be your specialist solution to bed bugs, you get a guarantee of results. You work with a bed bug extermination specialist who uses creative, powerful methods of bed bug removal. Instead of leaving you with a bug problem that seems to come back weekly, we use methods that are proven to work. We have invested in the best equipment so we can tackle bed bugs in Oldsmar with ease.

Hire BBE as your bed bug expert, and you can look forward to 60+ days of peace of mind. Unlike other treatments, our methods destroy the whole bed bug colony and leave you with the promise of certainty. Does that not sound easier than fighting the problem on your own?

Bed Bug Exterminator Westchase, FL

Bed Bug Heat Treatments In Oldsmar

At BBE, we have seen many bed bug treatments come on the market over the years. By far and away, the best method, though, is heat treatment—specifically, Heat Assault. We have used Heat Assault for years, as it is the leading heat treatment for bed bugs in Oldsmar. This treatment is proven to kill off all bed bugs in the most effective way possible, all without relying on chemicals.

Over the years, we have found that chemicals are increasingly ineffective. Resistance to most used pesticides is one thing, but there is also the lack of property-wide impact. While chemicals require the bed bugs to interact with the substance, heat treatment brings the fight directly to the bed bug colony. By heating the whole building, we guarantee that every bd bug present will be killed efficiently.

Without the worry about chemicals, you have nothing like the same environmental concerns. Other treatments come with warnings for a reason. When used professionally, heat treatment is 100% safe for your property. Do not worry; when we deal with bed bugs in Oldsmar using heat treatment, we prepare accordingly. During our initial inspection, we will recommend what has to be done to prep your building.

This lets us arrive and get started on your bed bug problem without any needless delays. Since heat treatment goes up to above 125F, too, we know it kills off any bed bugs that are alive. Regardless of their age, breed, location, or their protection via an egg, heat treatment is guaranteed to work. Best of all? It comes with a 60+ day guarantee that no bed bugs are going to be returning to bother you!

Why Hire BBE For Bed Bug Treatment In Oldsmar?

There are many options on the market that you can hire if you are looking for a bed bug specialist in Oldsmar. However, at BBE, we pride ourselves on being the best in the business. For years, we have provided home and business owners in Oldsmar and beyond with our proven form of bed bug removal. Hire us, and you can look forward to a service that promises to provide the following:

Years of proven experience in getting rid of bed bug infestations in Oldsmar, regardless of size

Effective methods that reduce the need for trial and error or using risky chemical compounds

The guarantee of results: we kill off ALL your bed bugs and prohibit their return for 60+ days

Professional treatment that is accurately assessed so we can finish the job in one visit

Service with a smile; our team loves dealing with bed bugs and saving you from their presence

Advice on the best ways to try and limit new bed bugs arriving in your Oldsmar property

Discreet arrivals: no marked vehicles or clear signage indicating the problem you have

Excellent, fair prices that keep the cost of dealing with bed bugs in Oldsmar down low

We understand that you might wish to try an alternative form of treatment, but we can guarantee results. When you hire us, you get a service that has been shown time and time again to be excellent against bed bug infestations. Suitable for infestations, little and large, our treatment for bed bugs in Oldsmar is guaranteed to work.

Speak to us about the challenges you face with bed bugs in Oldsmar. We can guarantee that our heat treatment is the perfect solution to finally end this annoying problem!

The Five-Step Process To Erasing Bed Bugs In Oldsmar

Over the years, we have adapted and adjusted to ensure that bed bugs never become wise to our treatment plan. As such, our team uses a five-stage plan that has worked for us in everything from a large hospitality venue to a small single-family home. Hire us to deal with your bed bug problem in Oldsmar, and the process usually looks a little like this:


Remember, all treatments that we provide for bed bugs in Oldsmar come with a guarantee. We promise that bed bugs will not return for a minimum period of sixty days. With our prevention tips and the power of our treatment, though, we can often see much longer gaps between their return. While nothing can stop a bed bug infestation from returning one day, we do everything we can to insulate you from that risk.

Things To Know About Bed Bugs In Oldsmar

We understand that having bed bugs in Oldsmar is enough to make your skin crawl. Having a parasite living in your bed that feasts on your blood is the stuff of nightmares. They might be small and look rather insignificant, but they are nothing of the sort. To help you understand why you need to treat any bed bugs in Oldsmar that you have as a priority, read on.

These questions should help you understand why we have made fighting bed bugs our lives work!

How Do I Know I Have Bed Bugs In Oldsmar?

One good thing about bed bugs in Oldsmar is that they leave a pretty clear ‘calling card’ signal of their arrival. Since bed bugs behave so differently from most common household pests, telling them apart from, say, termites can be quite easy. Generally, we recommend that you look out for the following signs of bed bugs in Oldsmar:

Dark brown or dark red spots on your bed sheets or other furniture – this is blood/feces

Small bite marks appearing on your body, usually in a zig-zap pattern, on your body

These bite marks are usually on areas that can be accessed while you are sleeping

A scent that clings to the air and might even smell a little bit like berries – musky and sweet

Opened eggshells might appear around your bedding, furniture, and entries into the room

For the same reason, you might come across molted skin that has built up in the same places

Spotting any of the above is a pretty clear sign that you have a problem with bed bugs in Oldsmar. The good news is, of course, that you can call us for an immediate solution that gets rid of the problem in full. Once you start spotting signs like these, though, we are sorry to say you almost certainly have bed bugs!

How Common Are Bed Bugs In Oldsmar?

As we mentioned above, bed bugs are typically around one in five Americans. However, Florida is uniquely positioned as one of the most prolific locations in the country for bed bug problems. The heat that we have here in Florida, though highly enjoyable for us, is also perfect for a bed bug infestation. Bed bugs love heat and humidity, and all of Pinellas County – including Oldsmar – benefit from this weather.

These are the main reasons why it can feel like we see even more bed bugs in Pinellas County than in other areas of the country. For the most part, though, bed bugs are a common problem that impacts a large part of America. Anywhere with heat, humidity, and population density is likely to see bed bugs at one point. Sadly, they seem to be more severe here than in most other places.

How Can I Stop Bed Bugs Entering My Property?

Unfortunately, there is no real way to guarantee prevention. You can fill in every gap in your walls and flooring as you like, but bed bugs are resourceful. They have a nasty habit of attaching themselves to people and shipments, too. As such, a bed bug can easily sneak into even the most bed bug-proofed property in the city. All it takes is one or two bed bugs to arrive on your property on a person’s clothing or luggage.

Are Bed Bugs Dangerous? Can Bites Cause Illness?

A bed bug bite can be very painful – it might even wake you up when you are sleeping, which is the pain. However, the good news is that bed bugs do not carry pathogens or anything like that. They are not going to leave you with a problematic disease like Lyme disease, for example. However, what they can do is leave you with extremely itchy, easy-to-irritate bite marks. If you scratch them, they can get infected.

This can lead to extreme itchiness and even scarring. Try alleviating the swelling and itchiness with a clean but damp cloth. Dab down the wounds and see if this calms down at least some of the swelling. However, if you ever see any significant swelling or feel any kind of dizziness or sickness after being bitten, see a doctor. You could be suffering from an allergic reaction, which is becoming more common.

My Friend Recommended A Fogger: Do They Work For Bed Bugs?

No! Avoid using foggers or any of the typical DIY solutions you can buy. These tools are, in the best case, ineffective and, in the worst case, dangerous. Bed bugs do not flee from foggers or anything, and you actually run the risk of damaging your property or putting your well-being at risk by using a fogger. If you want a proven solution to get rid of bed bugs, you can use a professional solution like ours.

Will The Infestation Go Away On Its Own?

No, bed bugs stick around for the host – you. They feed on blood and tend to feed once every few months. This means that bed bugs can easily make you think they have moved on. Once they return, though, they will go back to biting with a vengeance so they can feed their brood. We highly recommend that if you have any bed bugs, you call us for an inspection.

Once you have bed bugs, they are unlikely to move on—they stick around as long as the host allows.

Why Should I Avoid Chemical Treatment For Oldsmar Bed Bugs?

Chemicals have been used in bed bug treatments for years, but they have become increasingly ineffective. Two reasons exist for this. One, we use weaker pesticides today than we used to. Two, bed bugs are more naturally resistant. This means that they tend to be very good at avoiding chemicals. Also, chemicals only kill the bed bugs that they reach; those who hide away elsewhere are not impacted.

We do not recommend chemical treatment for bed bugs in Oldsmar for several reasons, including the above. Chemical treatments simply tend to be quite ineffective. Not only do bed bug treatments using chemicals have limited reach, but they also need to be repeated several times. If you want a more effective treatment that gets rid of your bed bugs in Oldsmar in one visit, heat treatment is your best bet.

Contact A Specialist In Bed Bug Heat Treatment In Oldsmar

If you have bed bugs in Oldsmar, then the “good” news is that you are not alone. This is a common problem here, so we spend a lot of time helping out people and businesses in Oldsmar with bed bugs. So, if you ever find yourself confronted by a bed bug problem, you can call us to initiate a rapid solution. We know that having bed bugs is worrisome, so we act quickly to inspect and then eradicate the bugs.

Instead of worrying yourself or trying to solve the problem on your own, contact us. We can provide you with a proven solution for a great price. We use the most environmentally sound treatment that is proven to actually work. We stand by our treatment so much that we guarantee you can go a minimum of 60 days without new bed bugs.

Contact BBE today to discuss any bed bug problems you are having. The pests could have come from your next-door neighbor, the house across the street, a nearby business, or just through bad luck. They might even have been brought in by a friend, family member, guest, or colleague. In fact, you might even have picked up bed bugs from that hotel you stayed in last month!

Regardless of why you have bed bugs, though, you can rely on us to give you a proven solution—one that works and gets the job done with the minimum of fuss. For help in making sure your bed bug problem ends, contact BBE today. We can begin an inspection and heat treatment as soon as possible. Your days of having to grimace before going to bed are at an end!

Specialist Support For Bed Bugs In Oldsmar & Nearby

While we are proud to serve Oldsmar and provide treatment, we cover far more than just this one area. We also serve all of Pinellas County and the vast majority of the state of Florida. If you have bed bugs in Oldsmar, call us for help. If you are based nearby and have a bed bug problem, let us know, too—we can begin treatment ASAP.

Heat Assault Treatment Westchase, FL
Westchase Bed Bug Treatment

Check out our Service Areas and see if you can spot your location on our list. Even if you cannot find where you are based, we will likely cover your area. Since we cover most of Florida, there are very few places where we cannot provide access to our experienced, dependable bed bug services in Oldsmar. So, wherever you are based in Pinellas County or beyond, call BBE for a solution that is guaranteed to get the job done in style!