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Bed Bug Removal in Lutz, FL

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Bed Bug Services In Lutz, FL

As a homeowner or business owner in the beautiful town of Lutz, you can enjoy a very happy life. The pace of life here is very friendly, making it easy for people from all backgrounds to enjoy life. Thanks to the wealth of schools in the area, too, it is very easy for families to live and enjoy a happy quality of life. Around one-fifth of people work from home, too, allowing them to be there for their family all day long.

However, like many other parts of Hillsborough County, Lutz has a problem with bed bugs. Even though properties in Lutz are on the high side for Florida, with a median value of over $629,000, bed bugs are still common here. This is because, contrary to popular belief, bed bugs do not care about conditions. They are just as happy seeking out a host in a stylish, new-build home as they are in an old apartment.

Even hotels and hospitals that have the highest cleaning standards can have bed bugs in Lutz. This is because bed bugs spread quickly, breed at unbelievable speeds, and are very hard to kill off in full. What you need, then, is a proven solution – a guarantee that you can get rid of your bed bug problem for a while at least. While nothing can provide permanent protection, at BBE, we offer the closest thing!

We provide heat treatment for bed bugs in Lutz. This method is recognized by professionals as the best way to start culling large volumes of bed bugs quickly. If you want to verify that you have bed bugs in Lutz, contact us today. We can inspect your property, guarantee you have a bed bug problem, and arrange heat treatment as soon as possible!

Bed Bug Exterminator Lutz, FL

Bed Bug Heat Treatments In Lutz

While many forms of bed bug treatment exist, at BBE, we believe that heat treatment is the best source. Some still rely on chemicals, but we have found them unreliable and ineffective for any decent size of bed bug. If you want to make sure you can overcome the bed bug problem you have waiting for you, you need help. You need specialist support—you need a solution that is guaranteed to work.

Well, by using heat treatment, we ensure that you get exactly what you need. We use heat treatment for bed bugs in Lutz because we know it works. It has been proven to be the most effective way to get through a bed bug horde. We use equipment under the Heat Assault brand. Heat Assault has been proven time and time again to be the nation’s leading force in heat treatment for bed bugs. We stand by it wholeheartedly.

Why? Because Heat Assault goes far beyond the 125F ‘Killzone,’ we need to guarantee bed bug removal. Bed bugs love heat, but anything above 125F is more than enough to kill even the hardiest bed bugs. That being said, we use Heat Assault because it can exceed 150F if needed. This gives you a cast iron guarantee that the bed bugs have been eradicated down to the last number.

Heat treatment for bed bugs in Lutz works so well because it heats the whole building. While other forms of treatment leave residual chemicals or physically trap the bugs, this heats them from the inside. As such, bed bugs cannot hide from the heat or find resistance. They have two options: leave or die. Luckily, heat assault is so fast-acting that it wipes out bed bugs in seconds, not minutes.

As such, they have no time to escape. Heat treatment improves this by requiring no chemicals or other chemicals. When managed by a professional, heat treatment is 100% the best option on the market for killing bed bugs in the greatest number imaginable.

Why Hire BBE For Bed Bug Treatment In Lutz?

We understand that dealing with bed bugs on your own feels impossible. We also know that many of the people who hire us to tackle bed bugs in Lutz have tried, tried, and tried some more to deal with bed bugs alone. While we commend your hard work and commitment to self-efficiency, bed bugs rarely will be dealt with using DIY solutions. What you need is a professional who knows exactly what they are doing.

To help you understand why we are your best bet to get rid of bed bugs in Lutz, consider the following:

At BBE, we have operated in the profession for a long time: we know bed bugs better than most

We use a proven method of treatment instead of trying out solutions that have little real impact

Our team loves what we do: we provide our service with a smile and are happy to help in any way

Treatments used by BBE are professional in scope and proven to last for a minimum of 60+ days

This is without the risk of environmental impacts or the collateral damage caused by chemicals

We never arrive in marked BBE vehicles; this avoids people gossiping about your bed bug issue

Once we finish our treatment, we can offer recommendations to help prevent future infestations

As you can imagine, this takes a lot of the stress and strain away from dealing with bed bugs in Lutz. Hiring BBE is, by far and away, the best way to make sure your time dealing with bed bugs comes to an end. With a proven 60-day minimum window for complete eradication, you have nothing to worry about.

If you hire us as your solution for bed bugs in Lutz, we guarantee you’ll get a solution that works as advertised!

Bed Bug Treatment Lutz, Florida

The Five-Step Process To Erasing Bed Bugs In Lutz

One thing we always note to our clients when dealing with bed bugs in Lutz is that this is a solvable issue. It can feel hopeless after you have already wasted countless dollars on preventions, solutions, and DIY ‘hacks’ that inevitably do nothing. To help you understand how we work, we have created a five-stage plan. This is a process we have consistently used to get rid of bed bugs in Lutz and beyond.

While every job is different, we do everything we can to stick to this plan so you know what comes next. When you bring in BBE as your chosen bed bug specialist, the process usually plays out like this:

We think this method of treatment is the perfect way to remove bed bugs in Lutz. Not only is it proven to effectively get rid of the problem, but it will ensure minimal risk of returns in the near future. While a new infestation can always arrive, our five-stage plan is guaranteed to remove all the current infestation. This leaves you with the certainty you need to know the problem is gone for now.

Things To Know About Bed Bugs In Lutz

At BBE, we believe that it is important that you understand the severity of what you are dealing with. So, when you hire us to deal with your bed bug problem, you get a service that prides itself on knowledge. To help you get a better understanding of what bed bugs in Lutz entail and why they are a problem, read on.

We will break down some of the most common questions we receive from concerned residents in the area. This should help you to understand why having bed bugs in Lutz is more than an inconvenience. This is no laughing matter, so let us explain why you should prepare to take immediate evasive action!

How Do I Know I Have Bed Bugs In Lutz?

While having bed bugs in Lutz is never something you want to have, there are some good things to note. For one, bed bugs are a common blight, so we have grown used to knowing the signs to look out for. When we are contacted about potential bed bug problems, we always ask our clients to review the situation. Generally, we ask that you look to confirm any one or several of the following signs. Ask yourself this:

Do you have bite marks appearing on your body that you otherwise cannot explain?

Do the bite marks tend to appear in zig-zag shapes on areas accessible during sleep?

Are you noticing odd marks on your bedding that are a dark red or deep brown shade?

Is there a sweet smell in the air that seems to be hard to cover up using an air freshener?

Have you noticed small eggshells appearing on the floor around your bedding?

What about molted skin appearing in the same places or around your baseboards?

All these signs are pretty clear indications that you likely have bed bugs in Lutz. Most people wait until they can actually see the bed bugs crawling around. When you wait for that long, you are inviting danger. We recommend that you never wait until you can physically see bed bugs roaming around your Lutz property. Once you can see them, the numbers are already vast enough to be a real problem!

What Makes Bed Bugs So Common In Lutz?

The main reason why we seem to find bed bugs in Lutz are so common is the location in general. While bed bugs are seen to impact around twenty percent of the population in America, they are more common here. The heat and humidity across Florida are the ideal set of conditions for a bed bug problem to thrive. If you want to avoid this issue, it is very hard to stop bed bugs from appearing.

Also, add that the community of Lutz is close to a major city like Tampa. Large-scale locations tend to be a more prominent place for bed bug arrivals. This is because bed bugs thrive in larger-density populations. However, bed bugs like Lutz can also be brought to communities through transit. Delivery drivers and shipments dropping bed bugs into the community is surprisingly common.

Are Bed Bug Bites Dangerous?

They can be in the wrong circumstances. While most people suffer only from painful bites – so painful you might wake up – and itchy bite marks, most people do not suffer any other issues. However, in rare cases, you can find that bed bug bites become a source of an allergic reaction. Look out for any signs of extreme itching, fatigue, nausea, and dizziness.

See a medical professional if you are worried that you are suffering from an allergic reaction from your bed bugs in Lutz. In the meantime, call us to begin a treatment plan that we guarantee will get rid of your bed bug problem once and for all.

Bed bug bites can also be soothed by using a clean, damp cloth. Dab the bite marks and see if you can limit the swelling. Antihistamines can also reduce itchiness if you are allowed to take them. As always, though, please check with a health professional before committing.

Do Bed Bugs Damage Property?

No, one positive about bed bugs in Lutz is that they do not chew away on your furniture or the like. While they might stain them with their blood drippings and their droppings, they do not bite through any materials. As such, you can avoid having bed bugs cause damage to your property, like destroying mattresses or eating through your home’s very foundations. At least there is some good news!

If you have a pest problem in your Lutz property that is causing property damage, then you likely do not have bed bugs. However, you can call us for a bed bug inspection regardless, and we can confirm it as such.

What Species Of Bed Bug Do I Have?

The challenge with bed bugs in Lutz is that the area has quite a few different species. At BBE, we make sure that we find out what species you have during an inspection. However, while the species does matter, the good news is that our treatment will work regardless of species. Heat treatment is effective against ALL types of bed bugs—any size, any species, any volume.

Will The Infestation Go Away On Its Own?

No, we have never known a bed bug infestation to end on its own. Remember, bed bugs in Lutz are looking for one thing: a host from which to drain blood. If you or another person is on the property, they will stick around. You would need to abandon the whole property for months on end—a minimum of three months—to see the bed bugs die off or move on. Who can leave their home/business for so long?

It is better to invest in a treatment for bed bugs in Lutz that gets rid of the problem quickly. Instead of hiding from the bed bugs or using ineffective methods like moving rooms, have us tackle the issue for you.

Why Should I Avoid Chemical Treatment For Lutz Bed Bugs?

While chemicals are often a useful choice for small infestations that are contained in just one room, this is rarely the case. When you have bed bugs in more than one area or even more than one piece of furniture, chemicals stop being as useful. Also, there is the problem with resistance. A growing number of species of bed bugs are more than capable of handling bed bug pesticide and insecticide treatments with ease.

Bed Bug Removal Lutz, FL

Natural resistance has long been a known problem, but the industry continues to rely on weak, ineffective chemicals. Stronger chemicals, though, come with environmental concerns and the risk of property damage. Also, chemicals require the bed bugs to interact with the substance. Not only are they resistant, but bed bugs in Lutz are also wise to such treatments and do what they can to avoid the chemicals.

Naturally, we want to avoid such issues for our clients. So, we use a method of bed bug removal that we know for a fact is going to work – heat treatment. Chemicals are not the answer to treatment.

Contact A Specialist In Bed Bug Heat Treatment In Lutz

Having a bed bug problem is more than a minor issue – their removal should be a priority. If you have bed bugs at home, then they could be harming your quality of life by interrupting your sleep. You also run the risk of being left with painful, damaging bite marks that can be very itchy indeed. If you are a business owner, having bed bugs is a surefire way to hurt your reputation in the area.

So, what can you do? Call BBE. Give us a message, and we will arrive ASAP to begin any kind of bed bug treatment you need. Our primary source of treatment, heat treatment, is the #1 best way to get rid of bed bugs in Lutz. When you have such an issue, all you need to do is call us. We can begin by inspecting your property to determine the source of the bed bugs and the size of the infestation.

Armed with that information, we can begin treatment ASAP to end your bed bug problems. Remember, our cost-effective treatment for bed bugs in Lutz lasts for 60+ days. This means you do not have to worry about bed bugs reappearing again anytime soon. For a solution that is proven to get the results you are looking for, contact BBE today. We will be happy to end this infestation!

Specialist Support For Bed Bugs In Lutz& Nearby

Remember, at BBE, we cover more than just the city of Lutz. We also deal with bed bugs up and down Florida. If you live near Lutz, you can still call us for professional bed bug extermination solutions. We can bring our heat treatment to anywhere in Hillsborough County and surrounding areas. In fact, there are very few places in Florida we cannot cover!

Whether you live in Lutz, Odessa, Land O’ Lakes, Wesley Chapel, Temple Terrace, or another part of Florida, call us today at 727-591-4417. We can give you all the help you need to finally be free of your bed bug problem, no matter how significant or severe the infestation!