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Bed Bug Removal in Land O’ Lakes, FL

Bed Bug Removal in Apollo Beach, FL

Bed Bug Services In Land O’ Lakes, FL

If you live in Land O’ Lakes, then you live in a beautiful part of Pasco County. Life here is pretty good – we’ve got lovely weather, a fantastic education system, and a great quality of life day-to-day. Add in the relatively affordable cost of living compared to other parts of the county, and life here can feel like a real blessing. Do you know what makes people feel less than blessed, though? Being bitten by bed bugs!

Unfortunately, bed bugs are an increasingly common problem in Land O’ Lakes. At BBE, we see many of our clients come from here. Statistics suggest that bed bugs are a common blight in Florida, beating the typical 1-in-5 ratio seen in most of the country. With a population of close to 36,000 people, this means that well over 7,200 people in the area might be dealing with a bed bug problem. Are you one of them?

If so, you should not delay investing in a solution any longer. With BBE by your side, you can make sure that bed bug problems are no longer quite so prevalent. We see many people who suffer from bed bug problems and who do nothing about it. Given that bed bugs can lay hundreds of eggs in their life, you are asking for trouble. A failure to act means the problem is only going to get worse, never better!

Take action now—call BBE. Arrange a bed bug inspection and benefit from the most effective treatment in the country. The sooner we start, the sooner you can sleep soundly again!

Bed Bug Exterminator Land O' Lakes, FL

Bed Bug Heat Treatments In Land O’ Lakes

At BBE, we use heat treatment to treat bed bugs in Land O’ Lakes. Now, this might sound simple—why not just turn up the heating at home? Would that not do the same thing?

The heat treatment we provide goes far beyond anything that your heating system could do. In fact, we use a solution known as Heat Assault. Heat Assault is capable of producing temperatures that go far beyond 125F. This is important to note because bed bugs cannot survive past a 125F heat level. This will create conditions that make sure they are wiped out en masse, no matter how significant their number is.

Other treatments get rid of a small portion of your bed bug problem but leave the remaining bed bugs alive to continue. Heat treatment, by contrast, is far more powerful. This is a proven method of bed bug removal that exterminates ALL of the bed bugs in your building. No matter if you are in one of the Land O’ Lakes majority single-family homes or you are in one of the growing apartment blocks.

Even business owners in Land O’ Lakes can rely on our heat treatment method to get rid of the whole problem. Instead of relying on the bed bugs making contact with an insecticide treatment, heat brings the fight to them. This results in the bed bugs being wiped out as we push the temperature far beyond what they can handle. By heating the air itself, we eradicate bed bugs in huge numbers in a short space of time.

Why Hire BBE For Bed Bug Treatment In Land O’ Lakes?

There are many great reasons to hire specialists here at BBE as your bed bug solution. To give you a good idea of why you should hire us, consider the following. When you put in a call for a bed bug inspection in Land O’ Lakes, you get a service that promises to provide the following:

Years of proven experience in dealing with bed bug infestations of all sizes and forms

Precise equipment that is proven to deliver results that come with no potential risks

The guarantee of 60 days minimum freedom from any bed bugs in your building

Environmentally friendly solutions that cause no collateral damage and create no risk

Professional support that arrives on time to deliver a solution that is guaranteed to work

Time-conscious professionals who never leave you waiting for an active bed bug solution

The removal of annoying trial-and-error treatments that never produce the results needed

Professional advice on the best way to make sure bed bugs are unlikely to return

Discreet arrivals; we never turn up with BBE branding on our vehicles

Instead of having to waste your valuable dollars on solutions that provide minimal results, contact us for help. We can give you all of the information and insight you need to be in the best place to finally get rid of your bed bugs. We have been dealing with the problem for years, so a call to us is a guarantee that you will get help from the experienced professionals you need.

Your fight with bed bugs in Land O’ Lakes has gone on long enough – it’s time to let the specialists take charge. We guarantee we have a solution that will work.

The Five-Step Process To Erasing Bed Bugs In Land O’ Lakes

Having fought the cimex lectularius for years, we know what works and what does not. This means that when you hire us, you get a solution that is guaranteed to provide long-lasting results. To ensure our client’s maximum relief from bed bugs, we use a five-step process that usually follows this process:


This process has proven hugely successful for us for years, so we know it works. We first review your property in Land O’ Lakes to find any sign of the issue at hand. Then, we get to work on making sure that the bugs are killed off and unlikely to come back anytime soon. It really is that simple to finally bring an end to this parasitic menace, so why wait? Call BBE today to begin a solution that gets the job done!

Things To Know About Bed Bugs In Land O’ Lakes

We understand that having bed bugs can be a stressful experience. That is why we offer you all of the information you need to know. This gives you confidence that a solution can be put in place. It also arms you with the knowledge you need to know for sure that your bed bug problem can be a problem of the past, not the present.

To help you understand what we do, read through the following FAQs to build a better understanding of bed bugs in Land O’ Lakes. You will feel far more confident that a solution is at hand!  

How Do I Know I Have Bed Bugs In Land O’ Lakes?

Many signs point to you having a bed bug problem that needs to be dealt with. While we will inspect your property to help verify your problem is, in fact, a bed bug issue, we ask that you look out for the following signs:

Brown spots (fecal matter) or rusty red spots (blood stains) on your bedding

Bite marks appearing on your arms, legs, and anywhere else a bed bug can reach

Egg casings and molted skin build-ups appearing around common entryways into the room

Sweet and musky smells that seem to linger in the room – it might even smell like raspberries

In more intense infestations, you might even see some bed bugs moving around in the evenings

These are the signs that you have a bed bug problem in the Land O’ Lakes. If you spot any of these issues, we highly recommend that you come and speak to us about your problem. We can inspect the building, verify the problem, and work out a solution with you to get rid of it ASAP.

What Makes Bed Bugs So Common In Land O’ Lakes?

It is expected that around one in five people in America will, at one stage, deal with a bed bug problem. However, in places like Land O’ Lakes, it is becoming more common than this usual 1-in-5 figure. That is why it might feel like you are hearing more and more about bed bug problems in this part of the country.

The commonality comes down to a few things. First, the climate here is perfect for bed bugs—it naturally attracts them. That sticky, warm weather is just what bed bugs love to live in. Second, the large number of people here and a population density of around 1,895 people per square mile make their numbers grow rapidly. Third, many traditional bed bug treatments are no longer as impactful.

So, fewer are being killed, and more are living to start new colonies elsewhere in the Land O’ Lakes. 

Can I Move Rooms To Escape My Bed Bug Problem?

No, this does not work, unfortunately. Good thinking, but sadly, bed bugs are smarter than this. They will simply follow you into the room where the host is. And since bed bugs can fit through the smallest of spaces, you will find it almost impossible to halt their entry.

Are Bed Bug Bites Dangerous To My Health?

A bed bug bite can be dangerous for two reasons. One, it can become inflamed and infected, which then needs to be cleaned out. Two, you could suffer an allergic reaction. Though rare, this can lead to intense swelling, itching, and severe discomfort. Try to alleviate the symptoms by dabbing any bed bug bites with a cold, damp cloth. This should help limit some of the itching that bites cause.

Generally, though, bed bug bites are simply painful and annoying. If you can avoid itching them and making them worse, they should be just an inconvenience. Ignore them at your peril, though; the bites will keep on coming until you finally take out the infestation in full.

Do Bed Bug Treatments Very From Other Land O’ Lakes Pests?

Yes, the treatment method we use to deal with Land O’ Lakes bed bugs is different from what an ant exterminator would use. Other pest problems are usually dealt with using pesticides, as these species tend to be far less resistant to chemicals. Most other pests in Land O’ Lakes and across Florida can be dealt with by using preventative pesticides; bed bugs, though, skirt around this issue with ease.

Do I Need To Move Out For Heat Treatment For Bed Bugs?

We will always advise you on this—it depends on the situation. For the most part, though, we can usually treat your building in one visit. We will advise you during our inspection of any preparatory work that has to be done to help prepare for the work that is ahead. Most of the time, though, we can deal with your treatment in one day, so there is no need for things like hotel stays like you get with chemical care.

Why Should I Avoid Chemical Treatment For Land O’ Lakes Bed Bugs?

While they were once the best way to get rid of bed bugs, chemical treatments are beginning to be far less impactful. There are many reasons for this, but the main reason comes down to the species of bed bugs we find in the Land O’ Lakes. Most of the time, these are species that are more resistant to chemicals. Chemical treatments for bed bugs rarely work in Florida due to the pesticides used.

In the past, chemical treatments were far more impactful as the pesticides used were far more powerful. Now, though, many of these were banned as the collateral damage was worse than the results they produced. Most pesticides used today require multiple treatments and also need the bed bugs to interact with the chemical strain. Also, bed bugs that have yet to hatch will not be impacted by a chemical plant.

Yes, at one point, chemical treatment was the best way to get rid of bed bugs in Land O’ Lakes. Over the years, though, a combination of weaker chemicals and natural resistance has stopped this. Add in the fact that treatment often takes multiple visits, the lack of a guarantee of total removal, and chemicals are not worth considering. If you want a proven solution that actually works, heat treatment works best.

Heat Assault Treatment Land O' Lakes, FL

Do I Need To Get Rid Of Furniture Impacted By Bed Bugs?

No, if you have furniture that has been infested by bed bugs, we understand why you might feel this way. However, we guarantee that once we have wiped out your bed bug problem with heat treatment, the issue will be dealt with. No more bed bugs are left—adult, nymph, or hatchling. As such, you are able to simply have the furniture that they had infested cleaned—even if you had thousands of bed bugs.

That might sound like an exaggeration, but we have seen horror infestations where thousands have been in place. Remember, bed bugs produce at a rapid rate – a group of, say, ten bed bugs can turn into hundreds, even thousands, rather quickly. All you need to do with impacted furniture, once heat treatment has been used, is clean the furniture yourself or hire an upholstery cleaning company. This will guarantee that the bed bugs are gone, and you can sleep easy knowing the problem is gone for the long term.

Contact A Specialist In Bed Bug Heat Treatment In Land O’ Lakes

When you hire BBE, you get many benefits. For one, you know that your property – regardless of its size – is going to be 100% free from a bed bug problem that has literally kept you up at night. You also get the psychological boost of knowing that your bed bug problem is well and truly gone – no more returns, no more stress. Additionally, hiring BBE means working with a specialist who offers a 60-day guarantee.

Working with us is easy, affordable, and guaranteed to give you the solution you are looking for. No more messing around with foggers, bed bug bombs, and other weird ‘solutions’ you have found online. You get a direct solution to your bed bug problem whether there are five, fifty, five hundred, or even five thousand bed bugs. Heat treatment works on any size of bed bug infestation, delivering incredible, proven results.

So, why mess around? Why let the problem get worse? Contact BBE today. Arrange a visit from a BBE specialist. Let us review your bed bug problem, verify the extent of the issue, and get to work on finding a solution. Your days of sleeping with one eye open or chasing around bed bugs as they escape into every nook and cranny in your building are over. With our treatment, you get a solution that actually works!

Contact BBE today and see how we can make sure your bed bug problem is a thing of the past. All it takes is a quick inspection, and we can put a plan in place to get rid of this issue once and for all.

Specialist Support For Bed Bugs In Land O’ Lakes & Nearby

What is the best thing about hiring BBE as your solution to bed bugs? We cover not only Land O’ Lakes but all around the local area. For example, we also cover places like Odessa, Tampa, Lutz, Hudson, and New Port Richey. There are many places near Land O’ Lakes where we provide our expertise and support. So, you never need to worry about your location: BBE is here to help you regardless of your area!

Operating across all of Land O’ Lakes, we also ensure that you can hire us even if you are in another county. Check out our service list for a list of our most commonly targeted areas. Don’t see your location on the list? Call us—we can give you a quote for your bed bug problem almost anywhere in Florida.