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Bed Bug Removal in Kissimmee, FL

Bed Bug Removal in Kissimmee, FL

Bed Bug Exterminator | Winter Garden

729 Pamela Ave, Winter Garden, FL 34787, United States
Monday to Sunday , Open 24 hours

Bed Bug Services In Kissimmee, FL

As one of the principal cities of the OKS metropolitan area, Kissimmee offers a great quality of life for anyone living here. The city is a very popular destination for people to move to, boasting great quality properties and a generally high standard of living. A growing economy, too, makes Kissimmee a popular target for people looking to move to the city. As great as Kissimmee is, though, it does have bed bugs.

Bed bugs are, sadly, one of the most common problems that we face in Kissimmee and Florida as a whole. The entire state has a more serious bed bug problem than most other parts of the country. The high levels of tourism mixed with a climate that is perfect for bed bugs creates a perfect storm that can become more than a little problematic for people. Do you have an issue with bed bugs in Kissimmee?

If so, you are not alone. This is a problem that impacts around one in five Americans but can feel even more prominent in Kissimmee. Have you tried the usual DIY remedies? Chemical solutions? And still not found any relief? Then, you need a more proven method to get rid of your bed bug problem. Luckily, at BBE, we have the perfect solution for you, which is heat treatment for bed bugs in Kissimmee.

Contact BBE today to begin a bed bug heat treatment process. We can provide peace of mind for a minimum of 60 days. The sooner we start, the sooner you can get back to enjoying your rest!

Bed Bug Treatment Kissimmee, FL

Bed Bug Heat Treatments In Kissimmee

Heat treatments are the modern solution for bed bugs in Kissimmee. This is because heat treatment avoids the typical issues and limitations of other forms of bed bug extermination. With other methods, like chemical treatment, you are reliant on all of the bed bugs being infested by pesticides. This is not possible as the bugs tend to grow wise to chemical treatment. And eggs are not impacted by chemicals.

So, while chemicals might kill off some – or all – of the adult population, the youth are ready to hatch. Given the number of bed bugs that can be born in a short space of time, it takes precious little time for the bed bugs to renew their numbers. Heat treatment, though, kills bed bugs in Kissimmee at ALL stages of life. This means those in shells, nymphs, and adults are all equally wiped out without prejudice.

This is so important because removing bed bugs from a property needs to impact the whole colony. A single bed bug can lay hundreds of eggs in its lifetime, meaning that bed bug numbers replenish rapidly, with even a few remaining. With heat treatment for Kissimmee, though, you are assured that the problem comes to an end. At BBE, we can deliver heat treatment for you to ensure quality and consistent results.

Since we use Heat Assault, the market leader in heat treatment for bed bugs in Kissimmee, we make sure you can get rid of the problem in the long term. Contact us to begin the process and get started.

Why Hire BBE For Bed Bug Treatment In Kissimmee?

BBE is a company based in Florida that offers bed bug inspections and treatments. For years, we have been giving home and business owners in Kissimmee and beyond peace of mind. Why? We use proven methods that get to bed bugs and kill them off easily and effectively. Many Floridians assume they can get rid of bed bugs on their own but find they are unable to reduce the number of bed bugs.

With our team involved, though, solutions become apparent and consistent. When you hire BBE, you get a service which provides:

  • A minimum of 60 days peace from bed bugs, as we kill the WHOLE colony
  • Proven heat treatment by using Heat Assault, the nation’s #1 solution
  • Rapid inspections and quick arrivals to get the job started and finished
  • One-and-done treatments to avoid the need for expensive return visits
  • Unmarked vehicle’s arrival to limit the spread of rumors and gossip
  • Great prices, keeping the cost of getting rid of bed bugs in Kissimmee down
  • Proven process, using a five-stage solution that always gets the job done
  • Transparent professionals who keep you up-to-date on our progress
  • Advice on the best ways to stop bed bugs in Kissimmee from returning

While bed bugs are a common blight in Kissimmee, they can be controlled and removed with the right approach to treatment. At BBE, we have found the best process. In our many years of inspecting and then eradicating bed bugs, we have found the method that gives our clients the best return on their investment. Hire us today to get started on making sure you are free from these persistent pests.

There is no sense in waiting: we can inspect your property, get started, and let you get back to sleeping softly at night, all in a very short time. Contact us today to get started on removing those bugs!

The Five-Step Process To Erasing Bed Bugs In Kissimmee

Having successfully combatted bed bugs for years, we know what works to get rid of these pests once and for all. Bed bugs are not easy to deal with, and they require a very specific approach. With years of experience in the industry, though, we know how to start and finish the job. When you hire BBE, you get a service that removes 100% of bed bugs for at least 60 days (though often much longer).

How do we work? To remove Kissimmee bed bugs, we follow five steps, which include:

  1. BBE specialist inspection of your property to find the source and scale of bed bugs.
  2. Treatment is scheduled for the nearest date that we have in our Kissimmee diary.
  3. On the date agreed, BBE technicians arrive with the required level of Heat Assault.
  4. Treatment begins, carrying out heat treatment based on your property’s square footage.
  5. We tidy up after ourselves and leave your property free from bed bugs for 60+ days.

It really is that simple to work with the team at BBE. We have perfected a solution that takes no half-measures. We use a method that we know gets rid of bed bugs no matter how significant their numbers are. When dealt with this way, we provide the peace of mind you need to know that your bed bug problem is at an end. Let us get started with an inspection so we can confirm that you have bed bugs.

As soon as we have that certainty, we can arrange to begin heat treatment for bed bugs right away!

Things To Know About Bed Bugs In Kissimmee

Knowing your enemy is a key part of being able to counter the opponent successfully. At BBE, bed bugs are our sworn enemy. As such, we stop at nothing to eradicate their number and prevent their return. To help our clients feel confident that they can do this, we provide a range of services that are all about getting rid of bed bugs in Kissimmee. To do this, we arm our clients with knowledge about bed bugs.

To confirm that you have bed bugs, consider the following questions—this should help you prepare for our arrival.

How Do I Know I Have Bed Bugs In Kissimmee?

The thing with bed bugs is that while they have a somewhat generic, bug-ish appearance, they tend to leave behind some very specific calling cards. This makes it easy to identify Kissimmee bed bugs from, say, termites. To help you work out what you might have, we recommend that you first get used to looking for the telltale signs of bed bugs. Most people can determine if they have bed bugs by looking for the following:

  • Bed bugs moving around – most commonly seen during the day in large infestations
  • Bite marks appearing on the body – most commonly in a tight pattern or zig-zap shape
  • Blood spots or brown spots appearing on bedding and furniture where bugs have appeared
  • Scents that stick to the walls and the air that is hard to mask; usually quite sweet and musky
  • Molted skin appearing around entry points where the bed bugs are hiding in your building

If you spot these common signs of bed bugs in Kissimmee, we regret to inform you that you probably have a bed bug infestation. Fear not, though: they can be dealt with via our help and support. As soon as we begin an inspection, we can confirm the bed bugs’ presence and then arrange a heat treatment solution to get rid of the problem for you as quickly as we can.

What Makes Bed Bugs So Common In Kissimmee?

Kissimmee is a great place to live, without a doubt. With daily temperatures sitting at an average of around 72.5F across the year, this is the highly hot weather that bed bugs are drawn to. However, Kissimmee suffers because of this – bed bugs love a hot and humid location. Given that even wintertime here can be quite warm, there is a reason why Kissimmee bed bugs tend to stick around this city after arriving. That can mean that they do not move on, instead spreading into nearby buildings to expand.

Bed bugs are also commonly found in Kissimmee because it is quite a common place to visit for tourists. The history and culture of this city mean that many either work here and commute home or come to visit. Therefore, the city can feel like it has a more significant bed bug problem than elsewhere. While the majority of Florida suffers from bed bugs, they can feel especially common here due to the weather. Add in the location’s proximity to tourism and travel, and bed bugs make a lot of sense in context.

How Can Bed Bugs Enter My Property?

Most of the time, a bed bug colony will get into your home via a person. They latch onto clothing, luggage, and shipments. This is also a reason why Kissimmee and Florida as a whole are home to many species of bed bugs. They hide away in shipments coming from afar, arrive in Florida’s many ports, and then transport across the state. Arriving on a person is especially common for hospitality businesses.

However, note that bed bugs in Kissimmee can get into your property simply by coming through a small spot in the building. Even the smallest gap between bricks, for example, could be enough. This is why bed bugs tend to be able to make their way into your property from nearby or adjacent properties. They can sneak through the smallest gaps in the walls and foundations – even through floorboard gaps!

Are Bed Bugs Dangerous?

The positive thing about bed bugs is that they are, unlike other typical pests in Florida, unlikely to carry any disease. While some people are unfortunate enough to take an allergic reaction to the presence of bed bugs, this is rare. Look out for signs of bite marks, swelling, or other issues like fevers, dizziness, shortness of breath, or generally not feeling right after being bitten. Where bed bugs do their damage is to our quality of sleep, which has a collateral damage impact on our day-to-day life.

Bed bugs might not be life-threatening, but they can impact our quality of sleep and thus make us more fatigued. That can have serious consequences in other parts of your life, so do not ignore bed bugs.

Heat Assault Treatment Kissimmee, FL

Can I Kill Bed Bugs Myself?

Most people try to get rid of a bed bug infestation in Orlando themselves, only to find out they are fighting a losing battle. Bed bugs are expert survivalists and can do everything possible to avoid detection and destruction. Since one-bed bug can breed hundreds in its lifespan, too, killing them feels like a ‘whack-a-mole’ game at a funfair. You can also only kill the bed bugs that you see; many more remain hidden.

As such, the secret to getting rid of bed bugs is to use property-wide solutions such as heat treatment. Such treatment is almost certain to wipe out the bed bugs and stifle any fears of their return for a minimum of 60 days.

Can I Kill Bed Bugs Myself?

Are you trying to kill off a bed bug colony on your own? Good luck. Removing a colony means being able to get direct access to the many places they are stowed away in your property. You can try to kill all bed bugs that you can see, feel, and hear, but you will not catch the whole colony. Even then, even if you do, hatchlings will emerge who were hidden away. To get rid of an infestation, you need powerful treatment.

That treatment arrives in the form of Heat Assault. This gets to the bugs, whether they are in your mattress, on a chair, hiding in the walls/floors, or simply moving around from room to room in your building.

Will The Infestation Go Away On Its Own?

We have never known a bed bug infestation to stop. Some will try moving out for some time, but bed bugs can go a prolonged period without eating. As such, they can often wait out anyone willing to try and move out to see if the bed bugs move on. Waiting out a bed bug infestation is ill-advised as it will rarely work; it is much quicker and more efficient to let BBE take care of the problem for you.

Kissimmee, FL Bed Bug Treatment

Why Should I Avoid Chemical Treatment For Kissimmee Bed Bugs?

Chemical treatments are a common choice for most people looking to clear up their property of bed bugs. However, while once the ‘gold standard’ in the industry, this rarely, if ever, works anymore. There are various reasons for this, but the key reasons why chemical treatment should be avoided include:

  • For one, bed bugs can avoid physical contact with the pesticides that kill them off
  • Most bed bug species are increasingly resistant to most bed bug-focused pesticides
  • Young bed bugs still in their shells are not going to be impacted by using chemicals
  • Most chemical treatments require multiple visits to get rid of the bed bugs in full
  • This often leaves the property open to new bed bugs emerging in the near future
  • The environmental impact of using chemicals should not be ignored any longer
  • Treatment can leave lasting chemicals in the property, which could impact pets

Yes, at one stage chemical treatment for bed bugs in Kissimmee was the preferred choice. As heat treatment tools like Heat Assault have evolved, though, it is now clear that such treatments are more effective. Heat treatment gets more work done in a smaller timeframe than chemicals can, and it does not come with the chance of damaging the environment or the atmosphere.

Do I Need To Get Rid Of Furniture Impacted By Bed Bugs?

No, the good thing about bed bugs is that once removed in full, they do not leave anything behind. However, after heat treatment for bed bugs in Kissimmee, we recommend you hire an upholstery cleaner. They can give your furniture the tidy-up it needs to ensure that the bed bugs do not become a problem again. This removes any traces, such as odors, marks, or the risk of eggs being stored away.

Contact A Specialist In Bed Bug Heat Treatment In Kissimmee

If you are having a hard time dealing with bed bugs in Kissimmee, you are by no means alone. Bed bugs are a blight on life in Florida and are one of the few negatives of the amazing weather we get all year round. When you have bed bugs on your property, you need something that can eradicate them and prevent them from coming back for at least 60 days. That need is called Heat Assault.

At BBE, we can begin the heat treatment process for you to ensure that bed bugs are wiped out consistently. This method is known to get to the heart of the matter, killing bed bugs, young and old. Book an inspection of your Kissimmee property today, and we can let you know the severity of the situation. Then, we can provide the help and support needed to clear your property of bed bugs.

Contact BBE today to begin your property inspection. We can ensure that any signs of bed bugs are found and that action is taken to solve your bed bug problem quickly!

Specialist Support For Bed Bugs In Kissimmee & Nearby

Covering all of Kissimmee, we cover everywhere in this city, from places like Artisan Park and Celebration to Tapestry and Windmill Point. Do not worry about where in Kissimmee you are; we can help you regardless. Our team can get started immediately on taking care of your bed bug problem, starting with an inspection. As well as covering all of Kissimmee, we also cover nearby cities such as:

  • Loughman
  • Orlando
  • Davenport
  • St. Cloud
Heat Assault Treatment Kissimmee, FL
Kissimmee Bed Bug Treatment

So, do not worry about your location in Kissimmee or nearby. With BBE involved, you can look forward to a peaceful end to your bed bug problem for a minimum of sixty days!

Bed Bug Exterminator IconBed Bug Exterminator

750 4th Avenue South #304, St. Petersburg

5.0 52 reviews

  • Avatar Cory Kelley ★★★★★ a month ago
    They helped me diagnosed the bite marks i have on my body. They set me up for an inspection the next day and did a thorough search of the bedrooms, living room etc. Although we didn’t find any evidence of bugs, the bite marks had them convinced … More we had bed bugs (groups of bites on my body and neck) I decided to get a treatment. Good thing too since the day of treatment Chase the tech found bed bugs once the heaters started running. They are very knowledgeable and passionate about what they does. Thanks BBE
  • Avatar Edgar Juarez ★★★★★ 2 months ago
    Kendall is extremely knowledgeable, professional and patient. She walked me through the process on the phone assessing for bed bugs as well as treatment options. She was interested in me FIRST and my needs, not just making a buck! The tech … More arrived on time and treated our entire home, 100% bed bug free for 3 months.
  • Avatar Carmen Harris ★★★★★ 4 months ago
    My elderly mother-in-law had bed bugs and the whole situation was very difficult. I highly recommend BBE and John, who is the owner, he answered our questions and gave us specific step by step instructions on how to clean up her house for … More the best results. I chose them for the price and the guarantee, and they did not disappoint.
  • Avatar Lola Miller ★★★★★ a week ago
    Needed a last minute call out for one of my vacation homes, They got out to the home same day on a Sunday at that which was great! As most places aren’t even open. super friendly and honest people. Will definitely be using again
  • Avatar Alan Escobar ★★★★★ 2 months ago
    The BBE team has been great. They spent an hour on the phone and in our home. I trust their judgement and advice. They helped us through this psychology of having bed bugs and we safely exterminated our home and garage. They have been available … More for advice and support after the treatment. I highly recommend their service.
  • Avatar C. Adams ★★★★★ 3 weeks ago
    I want to start out by saying, bed bugs are no joke...ugh!!! When I figured out that we had them, I felt so dirty like anyone would, then I did what anyone else would do I statred Google for a company 🤔 I found the BEST company ever!!! … More BBE..When they answered the phone I truly started crying 😢 I have never had to deal this, the most WONDERFUL lady said hello can I help you..her name is (well I call her) Mrs. Kendelle I said yes please 🙏 .She as the most kind person ever n very patient (especially with me). Unfortunately I had to cancel the first appointment they were very understanding, when it was time for our appointment (yay)..this young man came out n his name was Josh, very nice n talked me though what he would be doing. We did not come back home till the next day, we unfortunately did find few things that happened 😔 I called talked with Mrs. Kendelle she apologize and with no hesitation she sad for me to go and replace the few items send over the receipts...Now, this is how a company does good business they take care of their customers !!! I truly can't fnd enough words on how GREAT this company is!!! I finally have a piece of mind to be comfortable in our home/bed again!!!! Truly THANK YOU, BBE!!!!
  • Avatar Eileen Godfrey ★★★★★ 4 months ago
    I recommend BBE! I was in NY state when I found out I possibly had bed bugs at my condo! I was arriving for the winter with a kitty in 4days. I called BBE in a panic and they went the next day to check and sure enough I needed the treatment. … More They came Saturday for the treatment and I arrived Sunday evening and all was done! They were so reassuring and kind and recognized it was an emergency to get it done as quick as possible! Thank you BBE!!!!!!😀
  • Avatar Pete Copeland ★★★★★ 2 months ago
    We discovered we had bedbugs when my 3-year-old started waking up with bites. My husband and I searched our house and found one adult bedbug— but virtually no other evidence they existed. When our son continued to get bit nightly, we knew … More we had a problem. We found BBE through a Google search and they spent an hour on the phone with me (on a Saturday!) telling me what measures to take that night to ensure my son wouldn’t be bit again— this was before we had committed to working with him. We ended up booking them to come out the following Monday and do a heat treatment on our home. The treatment is quite extensive, but when your child is waking up with bites every morning, you want the best and the machine BBE use is like military grade equipment. I knew I chose well when they pulled up.
  • Avatar Jimmy Allison ★★★★★ a month ago
    False Alarm- We ultimately, did not have bedbugs. However, we very much appreciated their time and expertise. We felt much better knowing we did not have bed bugs.
  • Avatar Hailey Mendez ★★★★★ 2 months ago
    Thankfully, I got a hold of John. He took the time to explain how they could manage this situation and make sure the bed bugs were gone from all the persons belonging and my car. They did a combination of spray and heat treatment on the … More new home and all the belongings (once we unpacked them) and spray treated my car (free of charge). He made sure we knew how to not leave the home with bed bugs (we set up a plan to leave our clothing on site after moving and unpacking their belongings. So much communication yet I was always greeted by a friendly person, you cannot provide better service.
  • Avatar Ja'Liah Limbacker ★★★★★ 2 months ago
    Although I didn't end up being able to get help from BBE as my apartment has their own exterminators, they were still very helpful. I very quickly got a call back after emailing and the call was extensive and incredibly informative. … More TY Guys.
  • Avatar Armando Sparks ★★★★★ 5 months ago
    I have to leave this review, one of the best experiences I’ve had with pest services. I don’t want to say what home, but I booked this company to treat a group residence. It was a massive production, 14 rooms, 2 stories. They brought out … More two trucks of gear, they’re professional and got the job done in our schedule. Highly recommend.
  • Avatar Murray Boulton ★★★★★ 2 months ago
    We recently helped a low-income gentleman move from one low-income housing unit to a newer low-income housing unit. We loaded up my car and another with his stuff. As we unloaded at the new apartment, we discovered that in addition to moving … More his belongings, we also transported bed bugs. What a mess. I called different bed bug exterminators and pest control companies and for most of them, I ended up in voicemail and in some cases, I didn't receive a call back.
  • Avatar Raul McConnell ★★★★★ 4 months ago
    Kendall was great. Very attentive to our concerns and addressed them all prior to treatment, and Victor was on time, and got to work, texted when the job was completed. Bye Bye Bed Bugs.
  • Avatar Craig Snell ★★★★★ 4 months ago
    Excellent service over the phone and in-person. Service person was prompt and hard working. It’s been a few weeks since he was here and I haven’t seen any bed bugs. Nice to have my bed back.
  • Avatar Benjamin Whitaker ★★★★★ 6 months ago
    Chase was thorough and knowledgeable, making sure every corner was treated. He worked his butt off all day long to ensure our home was bed bug free.
  • Avatar Mathew Tyler ★★★★★ 3 months ago
    I worked with two other companies before and both failed to get rid of our bed bugs. Called BBE they were the only one who was able to effectively solve my issue. Both of his specialists who came in to do treatment were extremely helpful, … More professional and friendly. Strongly recommend! 12 weeks no bed bugs.
  • Avatar Shawn Stark ★★★★★ 3 months ago
    I was stunned, surprised and even felt embarrassed to learned that an area of our home needed the attention of a bed bug exterminator.BBE immediately responded to our call. They were very knowledgeable and put our minds at ease. Kendall … More & John were very thorough and professional! They explain things like how bed bugs can come in to your home, what to look for, services they provide to meet the specific needs, etc.They have remained in contact with us throughout this process which I appreciate!
  • Avatar Lavern Robbins ★★★★★ 4 months ago
    Good work, discreet and effective. got rid of my bed bugs in 1 day. Man it was hot in my house when I returned hotter than I expected, be careful when you return home.
  • Avatar Lorenzo Waller ★★★★★ 4 months ago
    Victor came out today for an inspection. He was super nice, extremely knowledgeable, and explained everything from start to finish. 10 out of 10 would recommend!
  • Avatar Ernesto Gardner ★★★★★ 7 months ago
    When your fed-up and want the job done once and for all it's worth paying the price to get it done! The technicians are extremely professional, friendly, and helpful. They take the time to explain everything to you, and get the job … More done right! I was very pleased with their service, and I highly recommend.
  • Avatar Abraham Snyder ★★★★★ 8 months ago
    I highly recommend Bed Bug Exterminator to anyone dealing with bed bugs. Their professionalism, expertise, and commitment to customer satisfaction are truly exceptional. Thank you for making my home safe and comfortable again!
  • Avatar William Kimball ★★★★★ 5 months ago
    My landlord had me trapped in spray treatment hell, the staff at BBE insisted on speaking with my landlord and helped me get approval to get treatment. Yes they would not approve a heat treatment! The accomplished the tasks at hand and … More my bed bug problems are finaly OVER.