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Bed Bug Removal in Bay Lake, FL

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Bed Bug Services In Bay Lake, FL

They say that magic isn’t real, but one visit to the wonderful Bay Lake can absolutely disrupt that nation. After all, this is the home to Florida’s amazing Walt Disney World Resort theme parks. People come from all over the world to visit this amazing place, looking to enjoy the rides, see their kids go wild for their most beloved Disney characters, and, if they are honest, reawaken their inner child!

However, while Bay Lake is a truly amazing place to live, it does have a particular problem with bed bugs. This is not down to Bay Lake alone, though; bed bugs in Bay Lake are common, but they are commonplace all over Florida. Bed bugs love the warmth and the humid nature of Florida’s weather. Well, Orange County is arguably one of the best examples of that climate, which encourages bed bug arrivals.

If you are a home or business owner in Bay Lake and you have bed bugs, then the ‘good’ news is that you are not alone. It is estimated that some 20% of Bay Lake have dealt with bed bugs, according to the national average. However, it can sometimes feel even higher than this. At BBE, we regularly receive phone calls to come out and deal with bed bug infestations in Bay Lake. Do you have that problem?

Are you worried you have bed bugs at home or in your place of work? Then, do not delay in having the property inspected. A member of the BBE team can come out and take a look for you to discover whether or not you have bed bugs. If we find you do have such pests, we will enact a solution.

Bed Bug Heat Treatments In Bay Lake

Bed bug treatments come in all shapes and sizes, just like the creatures themselves. However, one common problem with bed bugs is that they tend to be quite hard to get rid of permanently. At BBE, we offer a service built around offering our customers peace of mind that, once we get involved, bed bugs can be removed for a period of at least sixty days, though, with the right care, often much longer.

We use one particular form of treatment for bed bugs in Bay Lake: heat treatment. Powered by a solution known as Heat Assault, this allows for the comprehensive removal of all bed bug problems in a short space of time. Why do we use heat treatment for bed bugs in Bay Lake? It does the best job possible in the shortest space of time, saving our clients time and money long-term.

Heat treatment is the most efficient way to clear out vast swathes of bed bugs. Why? Because the heat is something that bed bugs are both drawn to and cannot handle beyond a certain point. By hitting the temperature up past 150F, we create conditions in which even the hardiest of bed bugs will falter. This gets rid of their numbers in rapid time, making sure that bed bugs are simply going to be demolished.

Instead of having the numbers returned because the treatment did not work, heat treatment envelopes the whole building in an incredible level of heat. This leaves our opponents with nowhere to run or hide, ensuring that they are essentially cooked from the inside. This gets rid of all bed bugs in the area and also guarantees that bed bugs that have yet to hatch – in their protective eggs – are removed at the same time.

Why Hire BBE For Bed Bug Treatment In Bay Lake?

It makes sense that you want to know why we should be your chose choice of bed bug removal expert. After all, you have many options. You might even have tried to fight the issue alone, which we applaud but do not recommend. Most of the time, people get the maximum value for money from hiring us because our service promises to get rid of bed bugs by:

Arriving swiftly to begin the inspection and find out where the bed bugs come from

Delivering a heat treatment solution that is guaranteed to provide 60+ days of peace of mind

Removing bed bugs of all ages – not just the nymphs and adults, as other treatments do

Enforcing a level of heat into the building that absolutely no bed bug can survive

Managing the process so we can typically finish the treatment in one single visit

Limiting the risk of property damage since heat is administered carefully throughout

Satisfying customer needs to get rid of bed bugs from any part of the building

Delivering the treatment from unmarked vehicles to stop rumors spreading around

Minimizing the cost of treatment by keeping our prices as fair as we possibly can

When people hire us, they are overjoyed to find out that we can tackle the problems they face with the absolute minimum of fuss. Our team has a comprehensive and dedicated approach to dealing with bed bugs, making sure that they are cleaned up in the most effective manner we can manage. Everything is handled by experienced professionals who have been part of the BBE team for a long time, too.

In short, our service removes the confusion and guarantees lasting results.

The Five-Step Process To Erasing Bed Bugs In Bay Lake

In our years of dealing with bed bugs in Bay Lake, we have become used to using a five-stage process. This process is one that we have perfected because it gets the job done, working through any number of bed bugs with precision. However, we also make sure that we practice patience as we carry out our bed bug treatment in Bay Lake. Wherever you have bed bugs, our process is as follows:


Once we finish, we tidy up after ourselves and leave you with a property that is 100% clean and clear of bed bug debris. We can also recommend tips for preventing future infestations, though there is no guaranteed means of stopping bed bugs in Bay Lake from returning. Our treatment, though, does guarantee that bed bugs will be a problem of the past for a minimum of 60 days.

Things To Know About Bed Bugs In Bay Lake

There are many things to consider when it comes to bed bugs, and we have a detailed and intricate knowledge of them. Bed bugs are a devious breed of pest, but the good news is that they are easily outsmarted. Drawn to your building by the heat and humidity of Bay Lake, we use that same love of heat against them to kill them off in the most ethical manner we know.

Consider the following to help you understand why you should not take bed bugs in Bay Lake lightly. These queries should help you determine if you have bed bugs and why their removal should be a priority.

How Do I Know I Have Bed Bugs In Bay Lake?

Bed bugs tend to be a common problem for people in Bay Lake for various reasons, which we will cover below. However, it is surprisingly easy to mistake a bed bug infestation for another kind of pest, such as termites. To help you make sure you have bed bugs, we recommend that you keep an eye out for:

Rust or brown-colored stains appearing on your upholstery or any furniture you own

Painful bites that appear on your body, especially on areas where bed bugs can reach at night

Bites tend to be in a zig-zag pattern, or they might run in a straight line on your body

You might also notice a musky scent that can be quite specific, different from usual house smells

However, you should also look out for the presence of eggshells or shed skin on the ground

Lastly, keep an eye out for bed bugs moving around that can be visibly seen on furniture/bedding

Any of these symbols are a clear sign that you likely have a problem with bed bugs in Bay Lake. As soon as you spot any of these signs, we highly recommend that you contact the team at BBE. We can send an inspector around ASAP to review your property and determine where the problem is coming from. Then, we can evaluate how much Heat Assault we need to bring your nightmare to an end.

How Many Eggs Do Bed Bugs Create?

Many people think that if they ignore the problem, then a bed bug infestation will simply move on. However, as nice as this would be, it is simply not the case. For one, bed bugs feed on an irregular basis (see below), but they also tend to replenish their numbers faster than most conventional methods can kill them off. Did you know, for example, that bed bugs can lay as many as 20 eggs from a single feeding?

This means that each of those bites could be contributing to the blood needed to create another generation of bed bugs in Bay Lake. In their lifetime, a single female bed bug can create over 100 eggs. So, waiting out the problem or hoping that they die off is an exercise in futility for the most part.

How Often Do Bed Bugs Need To Eat?

Bed bugs can eat at various times, and several factors determine the frequency of their feeding. The weather is a primary factor, though. A bed bug that lives in a cold environment can go for as long as one whole year without feeding. In typical Bay Lake weather, though, expect bed bugs to need to feed around once every three months. However, this does not mean the whole colony, but one bug.

Therefore, you should keep a close eye out for the arrival of more bed bugs in Bay Lake. The more bugs there are, the more they are going to need to eat.

How Can Bed Bugs Enter My Property?

The most common reason for bed bugs in Bay Lake to enter a property is through another adjacent or nearby building. For example, Bay Lake has many apartment buildings. Bed bugs can easily spread from one building to the next, moving around each property in the apartment complex and starting to raise the number of bugs in their colony. This means that a bed bug colony can grow quickly simply by invading a property such as an apartment building or hotel. Their numbers soon spread to unbearable figures.

However, they also can be brought in by a person. Bed bugs have a habit of hiding away in our luggage and shipping containers, coming out when it is safe to start their process all over again. Bed bugs can enter your property, then, simply by being brought in by someone. This is why even classy hotels that do everything they can to prevent bed bugs can still have them loitering around the place despite their efforts.

Are Bed Bugs Dangerous?

While bed bugs do not make you ill, per se, they should not be ignored. The positive is that bed bugs in Bay Lake do not carry an illness or a condition, such as Lyme Disease. However, they do carry some painful bites that can leave you feeling tired and lacking in any zest. Being bitten and waking up every night will have that impact on most people, let us tell you!

However, bed bugs are a dangerous foe because they can also cause allergic reactions. There is also the risk that a bed bug bite might start to become infected or irritated due to constant scratching. You should, therefore, keep a very close eye on your bed bug bites to keep a close eye on any potential infections. If you spot anything that seems like an infection, we highly recommend you take action and call a doctor.

Can I Heat Treat Bed Bugs Myself?

Many people think that heat treatment means turning up the thermostat – if only life were so simple. No, heat treatment for bed bugs in Bay Lake means using professional heating systems. These pump the property full of temperature-raising solutions that can raise the property-wide temperature to 150F and above. This wipes out the bed bugs and ensures that they cannot hide from the intensity of the heat. Trying to replicate this on your own is admirable, but it would be almost impossible to achieve yourself.

Why Should I Avoid Chemical Treatment For Bay Lake Bed Bugs?

Chemical treatments for bed bugs were once seen as the perfect way to eradicate their numbers. However, as time has gone on, we have found that chemicals are simply not effective enough. For the most part, chemical treatments would need to be administered several times to reach the same level of removal as heat. This costs a lot of time and money—time you likely do not have.

Chemicals also use pesticides, which many species of bed bugs in Bay Lake have grown resistant to. Add in that such chemicals cannot break through an egg, and the young bed bugs yet to hatch start the process anew. As such, there is no way for chemicals to be as effective at removing large-scale bed bug infestations as heat. Heat covers everywhere and every age range of bed bugs.

Chemicals are also not great for the environment, whereas heat treatment for bed bugs in Bay Lake has no such drawbacks.

Bed Bug Treatment Bay Lake, FL

Do I Need To Get Rid Of Furniture Impacted By Bed Bugs?

No, you need to have any furniture that had bed bugs living within or near it cleaned. Professional cleaning services can get rid of any bed bug stains or residue. Wait until after we have used our heat treatment for bed bugs in Bay Lake, though, as this guarantees that all the bed bugs are dead and will not be coming back any time soon.

Contact A Specialist In Bed Bug Heat Treatment In Bay Lake

Having bed bugs in Bay Lake is never nice, especially as the place is such a hub for entertainment and enjoyment. People come here to have a good time and enjoy places like Disney World, not to be eaten by hungry bed bugs!

The secret, then, is finding a solution that works. Instead of relying on DIY options you see online or trying out chemicals, turn to BBE. We can provide you with all of the heat treatment that you need. This service is proven to work, having been used up and down Florida to rid our clients of bed bugs. We know that treatment like this can be effective and also avoid the potential risk of property damage.

Operating across all of Bay Lake, we can cover your property whether you are in a residential, commercial, or industrial location. From a hospital or hotel to a bed store or a household, we can deal with the bed bugs that you have with the power of heat. This will ensure that the bed bugs are gone and will not return for a minimum period of 60 days. If this sounds like what you need, call us today!

Specialist Support For Bed Bugs In Bay Lake & Nearby

While we operate in Bay Lake, we also cover major parts of Orange County and various other sections of Florida. We are happy to tackle all nearby cities as well, such as Lake Buena Vista, and nearby major cities like Orlando and Kissimmee. Do not worry about where you are based. We can handle the problem for you no matter how extensive or over-the-top the bed bug problem happens to be.

Bay Lake Bed Bug Treatment

Solutions like this can be just what you need to finally get back to sleeping peacefully at night. Reach out to us today for more insight into how we handle bed bugs, and we can guarantee an end to your problem for the long term – no matter where you are in the Magic Kingdom and beyond!