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Bed Bug Removal in Poinciana, FL

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Bed Bug Services In Poinciana, FL

With its position right in the heart of Osceola and Polk Counties, Poinciana has become a great place to live for people looking to escape the major cities. Many people move here to enjoy that typical Greater Orlando quality of life without being in the cities that feel a little too large. With a population of just under 70,000 people, Poinciana is a great place to pick when looking for such a location.

However, with population density comes the risk of pest problems. Given that Poinciana is based over just under 73 square mi of space, that is a lot of people packed into a relatively small location. Why does that matter? Because our mortal enemy, the ‘humble’ bed bug, thrives in both high heat and population density. The more chances we give bed bugs to move from one location to the next, the more they grow.

This is why we are here. At BBE, we tackle bed bugs in Poinciana for a living. Covering not only Poinciana but all of Greater Orlando, our team has dealt with bed bugs as our profession for a long time. By using effective treatment methods that are proven to get rid of bed bugs regardless of their number, we give our clients the peace of mind they need to rest easy knowing the problem is under control.

Are you looking for long-term peace of mind from bed bugs in Poinciana? Then contact BBE today. We can inspect your property and, upon discovery of bed bugs, begin treatment. Proven to last for a minimum period of 60 days, the treatment we use is proven to get rid of ALL bed bugs!

Bed Bug Exterminator Poinciana, FL

Bed Bug Heat Treatments In Poinciana

At BBE, we have seen many specialist treatments come and go in the bed bug extermination industry. However, we have found what we believe is the single most effective way to get rid of bed bugs: heat. Heat treatment is by far and away the most powerful method we have on the market, having been proven to deal with bed bugs of any size or quantity. Compared to chemical treatment, this is far more impactful.

The last thing you want is to invest in a bed bug treatment service only to have the critters come back, right? Well, we avoid that for a minimum of 60 days. Heat creates conditions that repel bed bugs. Not only that, but it wipes them out of your property—yes, even the bed bugs that have found a safe hiding place from other methods of bed bug treatment. This is the most effective solution around!

Best of all, we use a method of bed bug extermination known as Heat Assault. This is the market leader and is far beyond anything that you can buy or use yourself. It is the most sophisticated and powerful heat treatment for bed bugs in Poinciana. Hitting temperatures of 150F and above, we create an environment that will kill bed bugs at any stage of life: yet-to-hatch, nymph, and adult.

Contact us today for help getting rid of bed bugs in a way that is proven to work and deliver results for a significant period. We can evaluate your property for bed bugs and take action ASAP.

Why Hire BBE For Bed Bug Treatment In Poinciana?

Look, we understand. You want to get rid of as many problems yourself as you can. That is a highly commendable approach to life. If more people were self-sufficient, the world would be a better place. However, bed bugs are not really something that we can get rid of on our own. There is a reason why the bed bug treatment industry in Florida alone costs around $300 million per annum to tackle!

When you hire BBE, though, you get a service that is proven to be the match for any bed bug. From the typical species native to Florida to those brought in from afar, our methods work. When you put your faith in us, your faith will be well-rewarded because our service focuses on:

Rapid arrival to begin an inspection to determine your bed bug infestation severity

Quick delivery of treatment via Heat Assault, the nation-leading heat treatment

Affordable rates so your bed bug extermination costs do not soar needlessly

Professional arrival, using unmarked vehicles to limit any reputational damage

Proven solutions which work at the first time of asking: no need for return visits

Guarantees that your property will be bed bug-free for a minimum of 60 days

Specialist advice on how to limit the risk of future bed bug infestations in Poinciana

Humane treatment that comes with none of the potential risks other treatments include

Service with a smile, making certain that you feel assured through the entire process

You have no doubt tried everything. We have even heard of people using cans of deodorant and a lighter to chase away bed bugs, with, of course, predictably disastrous results. You might have tried DIY chemicals and fallen ill. Or, you might have tried using remedies that are supposed to keep bed bugs away—until you woke up with bites on your arms. Nothing works, right? Well, our treatment is proven to work.

Contact us today to see first-hand how we can make sure your bed bug problems become a thing of the past.

Bed Bug Treatment Poinciana, Florida

The Five-Step Process To Erasing Bed Bugs In Poinciana

After having dealt with bed bugs successfully for so many years, we have developed a methodology that works. We have seen many different processes, but we know that ours works because it has been our means of operation for many years. At BBE, the five-step process we use to combat bed bugs is as follows:

With the guarantee that the problem will end within a minimum of 60 days, you can enjoy life again. No more worries about waking up to painful, damaging bites. No more worrying about that 1-star review from an innate guest at your premises. All of these things can be dealt with quickly, easily, and effectively, simply letting us carry out our five-stage plan.

Why wait any longer? Let’s stop those bed bugs feeding on you by getting started today!

Things To Know About Bed Bugs In Poinciana

Given that bed bugs are one of the most common pests in America today, we have learned a lot about our foe. When we battle with a bed bug, we want to be as close as 100% certain that we can deal with the problem. To do this, we have spent many years studying our prey so we can tackle them as needed. To help you understand why bed bugs are not something to ignore, read on to garner some insight.

How Do I Know I Have Bed Bugs In Poinciana?

You would be surprised how many people think they do not have bed bugs, mistaking them for other pests like termites, cockroaches, ticks, chinchbugs, or even ants. The good thing is that most forms of pests in Florida have the equivalent of a calling card. Bed bugs are no different. Before you call us to declare you have bed bugs, we recommend you look out for one or all of the following signs:

Small insects of a reddish-brown hue moving around your bedding or your furniture

Blood stains appearing on your sheets; this is leftover blood from the bed bug bites

Horribly, you might even notice black spots – this is bed bug fecal matter. Gross!

Molted skin being left behind, or egg shells, around entry points into the room

A musty odor that is hard to get rid of even if you use quality neutralizers

The most serious sign is the presence of raised, inflamed bite marks on the skin

Should you notice even one of these signs, then we highly recommend you contact the BBE team for an evaluation. We can have a member of our team check out your property to determine the scale of the infestation. Once we know you have bed bugs for certain, we can book a date to begin heat treatment.

Are Bed Bugs Common In Florida?

Once upon a time, bed bugs were a rarity in Florida. However, the banning of specific chemical treatments led to their regrowth as a common pest across the state. More importantly, though, many species of bed bugs in the country are now resistant to powerful chemical treatments used instead. Bed bugs are believed to impact as many as 20% of the population, either directly or indirectly, in their lives.

However, Floridians tend to get them worse than most other places. Bed bugs love the heat, but where is it hotter and more humid than our beloved FL? This encourages their numbers to swell to a significant volume. For that reason, it is important to understand that bed bugs in Florida and Poinciana are common. If you are having a hard time determining if you do, in fact, have bed bugs, then contact us for an inspection.

How Can I Prevent Bed Bugs Entering My Property?

The bad news is that stopping bed bugs from entering your property is nearly impossible. Besides, you could fill every gap in your property’s foundations, baseboards, flooring, and access to adjacent properties. You can do everything that is recommended, but you still have bed bugs. These tiny creatures come into properties through gaps we cannot even perceive with our eyes.

What happens then is they expand in numbers by laying eggs – the average female bed bug will lay over one hundred eggs in their life. Think how quickly, then, that would allow the number of bed bugs in your property to swell.

Preventing bed bugs from arriving is also almost impossible because they can easily hitch a ride on a human or even an animal. They are masters of finding their way into places we would rather they didn’t!

Are Bed Bugs Dangerous?

Is a bed bug going to leave you with something like Lyme disease? No. What they can do, though, is drain your energy levels spectacularly. Think about the strain that being bitten every night is likely to have on your body and your well-being. It does not take long for bed bug bites to become inflamed, which can force you to itch them to ease the discomfort; very quickly, that can become quite a problem!

Our advice is to avoid scratching any part of the body where you have been bitten. Also, cover up all bite marks to avoid them getting infected. This limits the risk of the bed bug bites worsening.

Can I Kill Bed Bugs Myself By Turning Up The Heat?

Since you need to hit a temperature of around 150F, you would probably cause more harm than good trying this. Conventional heating systems cannot reach anything close to this level. With our heat treatment for bed bugs in Poinciana, you need to leave it to the professionals. Self-administering heat treatment without the right preparation is risky and could cause damage to your property.

Leave it to us to handle the heat treatment. Unfortunately, turning up the thermostat or something similar is not going to be anywhere near warm enough to kill off bed bugs. If you want heat treatment, it has to be delivered by professionals so you can see results worth paying for.

Will The Infestation Go Away On Its Own? Do They Starve?

We have never known a bed bug colony to simply pack up and move on. These simple creatures live for two things: feeding and breeding. Your property gives them the safety to create a colony for breeding and the opportunity to be fed via your blood. Given that bed bugs can last for a minimum of three months without feeding, too, good luck starving them out!

Bed Bug Removal Poinciana, FL

Why Should I Avoid Chemical Treatment For Poinciana Bed Bugs?

Where do we start? Chemicals are simply not as effective as they once were. They also come with environmental risks and horror stories about contamination. We avoid the use of chemicals completely as we believe they cause more problems than they resolve. From a pure impact standpoint, too, chemical treatment for bed bugs is not very effective—it rarely kills off the entire colony.

Bed bug treatments need to kill all bed bugs, not just the adults. Chemicals cannot pierce the eggshells, though, so any yet to hatch live to bite another day. For all of these reasons, we recommend that you avoid chemical treatment; if you have bed bugs, let us turn up the heat instead.

Do I Need To Get Rid Of Furniture Impacted By Bed Bugs?

Any property that has had bed bugs is likely to need some kind of professional cleaning. The pests leave behind no shortage of mess, including their blood stains and fecal matter. Once we have cleaned out your bed bug problem with heat treatment, we can recommend a furniture and upholstery cleaning service to you. These experts will clean the furniture for you so that any remaining residue is cleaned up.

Contact A Specialist In Bed Bug Heat Treatment In Poinciana

The problem with bed bugs is that they seem like villains in a horror movie. You use every method to get rid of them, and they still come back. While getting rid of bed bugs permanently is almost impossible, we can provide a solution that removes the current infestation entirely. This also leaves conditions that are unsuitable for their return for a minimum of 60 days in the future.

The best that can be done with bed bugs is to eliminate all present bed bugs, young and old. Until a solution arises that allows us to permanently block their arrival, though, heat treatment is the industry standard. We know that this works efficiently enough to get rid of bed bugs no matter how large the colony appears to be. At the same time, we know that it does the job in a way that keeps you safe.

If you have bed bugs in Poinciana and want to finally be free of their presence, contact us today. We can arrange an inspection of your property as soon as possible, administering heat treatment where needed. This will remove the bed bugs for the long term, letting you get back to resting easily at night. Whether they are in your home, business, or both, you can trust BBE to put a solution in place!

Specialist Support For Bed Bugs In Poinciana & Nearby

Operating not only in Poinciana but across all of Greater Orlando, we cover a great many locations in Florida. Our expertise can be relied upon in almost every town, city, and county in the state. If you have bed bugs anywhere from Poinciana to Orlando and beyond, contact BBE. We can give you an easy way to fight back against this problem and make sure your days dealing with bed bug bites are over for now.

It is not easy to get rid of bed bugs, but we do everything we can to ensure this. Contact us today to discuss our services, and we can offer you the easiest solutions to this increasingly common problem.