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Bed Bug Removal in College Park, FL

Bed Bug Removal in Apollo Beach, FL

Bed Bug Services In College Park, FL

In general, you can find that life in College Park is pretty easy. This part of Orlando is fun-loving, simple, and stress-free. People get by as part of a strong community that sticks together and helps make life here feel so welcoming. However, there is one problem with College Park: bed bugs!

Are you having a problem with bed bugs in College Park? Then we know your pain. At BBE, we regularly receive calls to resolve bed bug problems for people living in the area. This is a place that is famous for its connection to education and higher learning, so at BBE, we look to educate our clients along the same lines. When people contact us with bed bug problems, we help them understand the situation. Crucially, we give them all the information they need to know why this is not something to ignore.

Other pests might be something you can ignore for a time. As soon as you have bed bugs in your life, though, you should take the time to call us. We can investigate your property and make sure that any bed bugs you have are found and then removed. It is our role as bed bug extermination specialists to help you deal with this problem. One call to us is all that you need to make to guarantee bed bug removal.

We work with a specialist treatment method that uses heat as its main source of power. If you would like to finally rid your home of bed bugs, contact us for help. We can assist every kind of individual who has a problem with bed bugs in College Park. Whether that is in a home or business, our heat treatment solution is guaranteed to get rid of the problem and save you from being bitten any longer!

Bed Bug Heat Treatments In College Park

With so many forms of bed bug treatment available, it can be hard to know exactly what method to choose. At BBE, though, we use heat treatment because it has been proven to be the most effective way to get rid of bed bugs. Such treatment effectively removes bed bugs from the whole building. Other treatments only impact small areas of the property or certain kinds of bed bugs.

With heat treatment for bed bugs in College Park, though, you know that they are all being removed. This is because, unlike using pesticides or similar treatments, the bed bugs cannot escape the heat we create. Other treatments are going to be less impactful because they have to interact directly with each bed bug to have the results you want. With heat treatment, such an issue is avoided. Instead, all of the bed bugs are impacted because our heat treatment heats the entire property; as such, there is nowhere to go!

We use a method known as Heat Assault, which is regarded as the most powerful bed bug extermination equipment on the market. This is because heat treatment uses heat transfer fluid (HTF). We use a dual coil heating system that brings temperatures to 205F into the building. Once heated, this generates massive amounts of heat, ensuring the property heats up quickly.

Thus, the bed bugs are removed, and the problem comes to an end quickly. The real benefit of using heat treatment is that it almost always gets rid of all bed bugs in one single visit. This means that you have no worries about requiring a repeat visit from our team to get rid of your bed bugs. This works at the first time of asking and creates conditions that should prevent any new bug bugs from appearing for 60+ days.

Why Hire BBE For Bed Bug Treatment In College Park?

When you hire BBE for any bed bug problems in College Park, you are hiring a professional specialist. We have been in this industry for a long time; dealing with bed bugs is our passion. We love what we do and love that we can bring a proven solution for bed bugs to our clients. Everyone benefits from our work: We make sure that bed bugs lessen the impact on College Park, and you can sleep easier at night.

Over the years, we have honed our service to be as effective as possible so that we can deliver the best return on investment to our customers. When you hire us, you get a bed bug solution that is guaranteed to kill off all bed bugs as quickly as possible. This is because we not only use the best equipment but also have proven our five-step methodology (see below) to work regardless of the size of the property. Thus, we can deal with homes and businesses with the same simplicity: no matter where bed bugs are, we can tackle them!

We keep our prices fair, too, because we know that having bed bugs alone is costly enough for your quality of life. So, we keep our prices as fair as can be. This helps us to make sure that our clients get the best value for money from hiring us while we get to make the College Park community proud. To protect our clients, we always arrive in unmarked vehicles. We know that having bed bugs in College Park can be something that makes a lot of people worry about their reputation: don’t worry; your secret is safe with us!

The team will deal with any bed bugs you have quickly, quietly, and thoroughly. Also, our treatment is proven to work for a minimum period of 60 days. This means that you get the extra peace of mind of knowing that bed bugs are not set to crawl out of the cavities in your walls in the near future. The method we use is proven to get results no matter how intense or difficult the process might first appear!

So, why hire BBE? You get a fantastic solution that works, avoids any publicity, and gets the job done for a fair price. What more can you ask for when dealing with bed bugs in College Park?

The Five-Step Process To Erasing Bed Bugs In College Park

To make sure we get the job done correctly every time, we use a proven five-stage methodology that we know works. Over the years, we have mastered this process to help make sure that it works no matter where we use it. When you hire BBE, then, you can look forward to a process that works out like this:


Hiring BBE makes sense for anyone who is looking to simplify the process of getting rid of bed bugs. You hire us, and you receive the above solution. We know that this five-stage solution works whether you need us for a single-family home in College Park or one of College Park’s many commercial outlets. Hospitality venues and even medical facilities can also benefit from this effective five-stage process.

Things To Know About Bed Bugs In College Park

As you know, College Park is a place that is all about education. After all, most of our street names here are named after famous learning institutions. At BBE, we put a great value on the power of knowledge. As such, we want to make sure that you get the help and support you need to take things an extra step further.

To help you understand what bed bugs are and why their removal is imperative, consider the following FAQs. When we speak to our clients in College Park, we usually receive queries about the following:

How Do I Know I Have Bed Bugs In College Park?

The best place to start is the most important, right? Diagnosing the problem. While at BBE, we carry out bed bug inspections for our clients in College Park. We know you might want to verify the problem, too. To help you get a better idea of what kind of pests you have, keep an eye out for the following issues:

Are you finding bitemarks that appear on your arms, legs, neck, back, and even face?

Have you found that the bites are usually in a zig-zag shape or a straight, clear line?

Are there blood spots or dark spots on the sheets of your bed?

Did you discover eggshells or molted skin appearing around entryways into the room?

Was there ever a musky smell in the air that you should ignore? Is it hard to cover up?

If so, then you almost certainly have bed bugs in College Park. Fear not, though: you are in the perfect place to get the problem resolved. One call to BBE is enough to get the wheels in motion and make sure that your bed bug problems are at an end!

Are Bed Bugs Common In College Park?

We do a lot of work in College Park, yes. Like most of Orlando, bed bugs are common here because of the conditions. The high heat and humidity are great attractors for bed bugs. Additionally, Orlando is one of the most visited cities in America, and the sheer amount of human traffic also plays a role. Since bed bugs can easily hitch a ride on a person or their transport, they spread easily.

So, the location is unfortunate in that despite being such a fantastic place, it is like a magnet for bed bugs. In general, around one in five people in America will deal with bed bugs. However, Florida and Orlando, in particular, tend to have a more prominent problem with bed bugs than the national average.

How Can Bed Bugs Enter My Property?

As mentioned above, bed bugs are usually brought in by a person. This is why they are common in high-traffic places like hotels, hospitals, and commercial venues like bed stores. They are brought in by someone and quickly make their nest in the property they have been brought to. As such, they then begin to spread their numbers. Given how quickly bed bugs breed, that does not take long!

Bed bugs can also come in through adjacent and nearby properties, though. If your building is attached to someone else, then it is likely that the bed bugs could come from there. We see many apartment buildings infested with bed bugs that all started with just one apartment property. Since bed bugs are so small, they can fit through gaps that are impossible for us to see!

Bed Bug Treatment College Park, FL

Are Bed Bugs Dangerous?

Bed bug bites do carry some risk in that they can become infected or inflamed quite easily. Since they tend to be raised and itchy, it can be hard to ignore the urge to itch them. We recommend that you give any bed bug bites immediate treatment to try to calm down the swelling. This should hopefully help you calm down the risk of bed bug bites that you may become infected.

However, the other thing to watch out for is allergic reactions. While rare, we do hear of people who have had a negative and allergic reaction to a bed bug bite. If you feel any kind of dizziness or sickness after being bitten, we recommend going to a medical professional. They can help you calm down the symptoms and make sure that the allergic reaction is contained.

Are Bed Bugs A Sign Of Uncleanliness?

No, absolutely not! We see many brand-new buildings have bed bugs quickly after people move in. Bed bugs do not care about conditions: They are attracted to anywhere that has humans they can feed on at night. Bed bugs are not concerned about cleanliness. So, do not see bed bugs as a sign that your property is poorly kept. Rest assured that even pristine, opulent buildings can have bed bugs!

Why Should I Avoid Chemical Treatment For College Park Bed Bugs?

 Chemicals were once the de facto solution that everyone recommended. Over the years, though, the weakening of pesticides and natural resistance have dampened their impact. Many people who try chemical treatments for bed bugs are left disappointed. They often require multiple visits to get the same impact as heat treatment, costing more money and taking more time.

Then, there is the environmental concern of using pesticides. Most of the time, the treatment is not as useful as many of the bed bug species found in College Park are naturally resistant to pesticides. While chemicals were once the gold standard in our industry, today, the best solution you can use is heat treatment. At BBE, we only use heat treatment as we want the most impactful and cost-effective solution!

Heat Assault Treatment College Park, FL

Contact A Specialist In Bed Bug Heat Treatment In College Park

If you have bed bugs in your College Park property, then you are absolutely right to be concerned. Bed bugs are not something that will simply “go away” on their own. They are persistent menaces who do not wait around. Once a bed bug colony is set in place, too, it is not going to move on. They are going to keep feeding and causing you to lose sleep quality until something is done. Have you tried to kill bed bugs already?

If so, you probably found that your treatment was ineffective. Did the bed bugs return shortly after? Most treatments only kill the visible bed bugs. You need to remember that the true strength of a bed bug colony is in the ones hidden away in the places we cannot see. What you need is a solution that heats the entire building and makes sure that there is nowhere for the bed bugs to go and hide.

We ensure that you get just that when you hire us. We give you access to quick and easy solutions that will remove all of the bed bugs without delay. Better yet, unlike other treatments, our heat treatment guarantees complete prevention of bed bugs returning for 60+ days. That matters to us because we want you to know that your investment with us works for a prolonged period.

So, if you want to get peace of mind from bed bugs invading your property, contact BBE today. We can arrange a bed bug inspection in College Park and take a closer look at your property. This lets us know how bad the infestation is and what volume of Heat Assault is needed. Rest assured, though, that one call to BBE is enough to make sure you are on the right path to finally getting a good night’s sleep!

Specialist Support For Bed Bugs In College Park & Nearby

If you have bed bugs in College Park, we are happy to help you get rid of the problem. However, we cover more than just College Park; we cover all of Orlando and nearby cities and locations. We operate in places like Winter Park, Longwood, Maitland, and beyond. People can benefit from heat treatment for bed bugs everywhere in the Greater Orlando area, as well as in nearby communities and counties.

College Park Bed Bug Treatment
Bed Bug Exterminator College Park, FL

Never worry about that problem: We ensure you can work around these issues with minimal fuss. Contact BBE for the help and support you need, regardless of whether you are in College Park, a nearby city, an adjacent county, or any of the many places we have listed in our service areas.

Wherever you have bed bugs in Florida, BBE is ready to get to work and remove these pests for you!